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What are the Grand Sport paint codes?


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2003
Burleson, Texas
White '96 LT4 Coupe
I need some touch up paint for the blue stripe on my car and do not have the codes. It was painted by the previous owner and is the factory blue for the Grand Sport. I looked in the Tech Center here and could not find the number code to use at the dealer to order the touch up bottles. The number for the white should be on my RPO code label so that is not a problem. Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
Don't some dealers have a scanner that determines, by computer, the paint color of your car? The benefit is this: paint on a car can change a little over time. Putting new paint on only part it can result in a mismatch, believe or not! The scanner scans the paint color as-is, and produces the correct mix to match your paint.

I guess if you're just doing really small touch-up, this won't matter. But, if you have enought chips on a panel to warrant painting that panel, check into this scanner thing. I am sure someone else here knows far more about it than I can offer. But, I thought I'd bring it up to you anyway. Good luck.

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