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What is this wire ....


Jun 23, 2013
Jamestown, TN
1982 Collector Edition;

Located in the console, near the rear defogger, blower motor switch (Driver side). It is pink with a black stripe.

I can't find anything to plug it in to. What is this wire.jpg
1982 Collector Edition;

Located in the console, near the rear defogger, blower motor switch (Driver side). It is pink with a black stripe.

I can't find anything to plug it in to.View attachment 22230

If memory serves me correctly (50/50 chance) pink/blk stripe is an ignition feed. As stated in the previous post it is most likely an accessory not installed on your vehicle.
As LLC5 said, pink/blk is an ignition feed. (Small guages if I recall correctly) only thing in that area that would use this wire is the rear window defogger switch.

I did notice that the wire in the pic doesn't look very pink though. Looks more like tan. (Could just be the pic though) if it is tan/blk it may be a diagnostic terminal for the egr (from memory). I'll check a few diagrams later on today and confirm
The wire is def pink w/black stripe. I guess the pic doesn't show up that well.

Thanks for all of the replies :thumb
If memory serves me correctly (50/50 chance) pink/blk stripe is an ignition feed. As stated in the previous post it is most likely an accessory not installed on your vehicle.

Any idea on what accessory that might be?
Any idea on what accessory that might be?

My best guess is what Antz81 suggested, possibly a rear defogger switch, with a further possibility of export option.
It is for the rear defroster,If you don't have one.
as least on my '81,I would imagine its the same for '82
I have the identical extra lead on my '82 and have often wondered what it was. Mine is indeed tan and I thought it was related to the anti-theft system. My horn does not honk when the system is activated, so I thought it might be related to that. (any ideas on getting the horn to sound out as such?). My bone-stock car has all of the electrical-related options that were available in '82. Seems odd they would put an EGR diagnostic lead in such a hard to reach place when it was already fully designed with self-test capability - but, I've seen stranger things happen with this wonderful hobby car.

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