where did the smoke go?
Carb is back on, the fuel pumping out of the secondary air tube was due to a poorly adjusted seat/needle allowing the float to go too high. This shows how clueless I am...When I checked it earlier & put it back, I thought I put it back the right way...
Anyway...the car smoked a little when I started it up, the same color as before...then it went away after about 2 minutes.
The only thing I did was torque down the intake manifold bolts before I put the carb back on. The were tight, but not torqued to spec (30 ft. lbs). I drove the car around a few miles, no smoke at all. And the 'vette runs VERY well. No hesitation or stumble at all..
I'll drive it a few more miles before I start jumping for joy...
I think I will also dump the QS oil and change over to Castrol, just in case some fuel is mixed in with the oil.
Over the weekend I pull the plugs, clean them up...I'll check them again after a few miles.
The only thing left with this whole saga is the fuel smell after I park it.