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Whats it worth? 55 265 complete from Pan to carb and dist?

Vette Fanatic

Jun 17, 2010
Oklahoma City
Well here goes, I recently got a original 1955 265 corvette motor in a trade. I have to powder coat a bunch parts for a guy and he wanted to pay me with this motor. Problem is when we made the deal I had plenty of room in my garage to keep it. In the last 2 days I have aquired 3 motors and don't need a 4th just sitting there.
It is an all original 265 corvette motor with everything there. It has Rochester 2 barrel carb, intake, dist. Hell everythingis original.

I just dont want to let it go to someone on ebay. But don't know what a find like this is worth.
The heads are off and the cyl look perfect. Shortblock turns freely. Orig owner said it had been pulled from a vette in the late 50's after the vette had been wrecked and the motor was put in a Cris Craft (sp) boat for a few years. The Motor has std everything so all that seems to jive.
No rust anywhere on the block even on the outside and the original light blue color is very visible on the block.
Im just not into the early Vettes...well because I cannot afford them. But what is something like this worth?
I really only have about 400 in the entire motor( powder coat and labor) so I guess if I took a hit on this it would not hurt too much. ;shrug
Just sent the link to a friend of mine with a 55 (Tyler) so please don't let it go anywhere quite yet..
block is cast number 3703524 Std

Dist number is Delco Remy 1110847 5D16 It has a wierd oil thing comiing off of it. And no its not the vacume advance, this thing has a flapper top on it like a old tractor exhaust stack that opens and closes...wierd.

Intake seems not to be Corvette since it has a 2bbl carb but here are then numbers 3746828

Hope that helps everyone solve my problem.

Oh and the 1 bad thing about this motor is they tapped the oil pan for some type of cooler maybe....
Its is probably a pass car engine. The dist # is for a pass car. the 2 bbl would have been for a pass car the stamped # on right frount of block should be XXXX55TXX for todawanda or F for flint. The XX after the T or F identifies application.

if the light blue paint is original then it is a passenger car motor. The 55 Vettes motors were Chevy red/orange
Its is probably a pass car engine. The dist # is for a pass car. the 2 bbl would have been for a pass car the stamped # on right frount of block should be XXXX55TXX for todawanda or F for flint. The XX after the T or F identifies application.

Ok so this is the number you speak of # 03060 I5F55D
That wierd tube thing on the distributor is the oil cup. In days of yore these vehicles were much more "owner interactive!" Every 1000 mi you were to flip the cap up and add a few drops of light lubricating (ie 3 in 1) oil. The original generators had two of the same cups, one front and rear. In addition, the 22 (yes, that's right, twenty two - 24 if you include the u-joints) zerk fittings needed to be greased! :eek
Ok so this is the number you speak of # 03060 I5F55D

"F55D" pegs it as a 2-barrel truck engine, confirmed by the oil drain-back fitting in the side of the oil pan. Corvette engines were coded 'FG" and "GR", and had no fitting in the oil pan.


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