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Question: Whats the best Anti-theft system on the market for the money ?

Feb 8, 2004
Southeast, PA
2003 50th Annversary Red coupe, beautiful !
I need a to install a anti-theft system and I really don't know what the most effective and cost ? I know if a theft wants your car, no matter what anti-theft system, it's gone ! I just wanted to hear you opinions ? Thank you ! :w
What are you putting it in?;shrug
1) Sink a hardened eyelet in concrete. Run a big-assed anchor chain through it and then around one of your lower control arms then paddle lock it with a big railroad lock.

2) Two mean dudes with Glocks. One watches while the other sleeps.

3) Park it inside an electrified fence with a "Denver Boot" around one front tire.

Actually, the security system on Corvettes since the 90s is pretty good.
1) Sink a hardened eyelet in concrete. Run a big-assed anchor chain through it and then around one of your lower control arms then paddle lock it with a big railroad lock.

2) Two mean dudes with Glocks. One watches while the other sleeps.

3) Park it inside an electrified fence with a "Denver Boot" around one front tire.

Actually, the security system on Corvettes since the 90s is pretty good.

I use a "Mad Max" system myself,Completely self contained,Interchangeable with All vehicles,and No wiring to mess with!~!! :D

To serve and protect......:D.........never had my Corvette stolen while he has been on the job......of course there were the 2 pickups that were taken.....but we don't want to talk about that......

As soon as I seen this I knew it was all downhill although it is a great question I know I'd like a real answer lol
anti theft

A long time ago, C&D or R&T had an article on this. They said the best one was a remote fuel shut off. Place it under a seat or in the boot or dash. They said that most thieves were familiar with the anti-theft hardware and know what to look for but with a fuel shut off there is nothing that stands out. Sure, the car will run for about 30 seconds but the worst place for a thief to be is out in the street at mid block, fully exposed while sitting on a hot car. They might get it out of your garage but they weren't going far. Of course they now know it's a shut off but where do they look, under the hood, in the trunk?
A hidden, remote fuel cutoff is great. Team the fuel cutoff with a separate hidden ignition cutoff, and you are as safe as you can be. Except for a thief with a tow truck.
I use a "Mad Max" system myself,Completely self contained,Interchangeable with All vehicles,and No wiring to mess with!~!! :D


I like it! :thumb

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