Andre' and fellow C3 Owners
This will
probably be the first year of the CruiseFest I've attended, that RARE will be staying home :eek :cry
More than likely I'll be driving "Abby" instead. Ma is coming along and she likes the foot room and seats in Abby better than RARE. So, I carry the C3 spirit even though I'll be there in a C5..
Now to all you people that Own a C3 and live within a days drive of CruiseFest V, CLEVELAND and aren't registered or are not planning to attend... SHAME ON YOU!! ESP. Shame on You for thinking your C3 is uncomfortable, may break down, you're not sure if it's "Ready" for a day long cruise, or maybe it ain't as "purty" as you want... SHAME ON YOU!!
RARE has been to CruiseFests in Auburn IN, Bowling Green KY and Colorado Springs CO. 1/2 of the CruiseFests travels started from California, the other 1/2 from Texas. AND for a couple of C3's made the trip from CA and NM and we picked up more in Memphis TN one year..
For those of you that know me. I very rarely mince words... SO here it is straight, Get off your butts gas up the C3 quit making EXCUSES and plan to be at CruiseFest V in Cleveland. CruiseFest take a LOT OF WORK to put together, quit making excuses or being so dam cheap.. Get out there and MEET some of the Corvette Action Center Folks, maybe we can answer some questions like... Great Site, but not a lot "Happening here"... HEY CRUISEFEST V is SOMTHING Pictures are nice, but don't capture the flavor and FUN at CruseFest, BUT.... being a PART of the it is where it's at and a whole lot more fun than looking at pictures...
aka Rare81