Welcome to the Corvette Forums at the Corvette Action Center!

Where's everyone at ?


New member
Jan 17, 2010
09 Silver Cpe.
I'm new to forums, and yes I have been on the other one also, but it seems there are some really nice people here and I don't understand why there is not any more activity. I'll be happy to talk and share anything Vette related.
First of all, :welcome

We actually have a fair amount of activity at the CAC, but seasonally, we usually notice a slight decrease in the volume of postings over the winter months. Add to it that as C6's are the newest (and therefore, most expensive) generation of Corvettes in production, and you can see how the C6 forums are disadvantaged just in terms of the sheer number of people who own one.

But please, post away with questions, ideas, pictures of your ride. We love that!

Welcome. I am also a new member. Looking for the warm weather to arrive. Got my first Vette a few weeks ago. 08 JSBM coupe.
put an album together with some day and night pics. Take a look.:upthumbs
Welcome to the site! :beer
Congrats on your new acquisition from another MA resident. Where you located? Welcome to the site. You'll like it here.
I'm new to forums, and yes I have been on the other one also, but it seems there are some really nice people here and I don't understand why there is not any more activity. I'll be happy to talk and share anything Vette related.


Hi and Welcome to the forum!!! A great group of individuals with a common tie...or love of everything Corvette. Once you get comfy, post
some pictures!!! We really like pictures of Vettes...winter is really starting to take it's toll...
Must be that time of the month! :D

The C6 area will heat up soon I'm sure - along with the weather. Hang in there.
Welcome to our humble abode.
Chevy should consider a Vettester, much like Porsche did. It should be a lightweigh, 5.0 with everything else optional, but that's a whole other thread.:D
I'm new to forums, and yes I have been on the other one also, but it seems there are some really nice people here and I don't understand why there is not any more activity. I'll be happy to talk and share anything Vette related.

Welcome. Just look around. Sometimes these guys get heatd. Thats a blast. What other forums do you refer?
Welcome to the craziness. I'm also a new Vette owner and I like it here. These are a bunch of wild and crazy guys. I've had my Vette for two months (Well....it's longer then you've had yours) and I'll offer some advice.

Do not order ANY Vette catalogues. They are printed by the devil and their only purpose is to make you go broke and eat beans and vienna sausage and Ramen noodles. I got three catalogues two months ago and I was REALLY surprised at how many things I can't live without. I'm now much poorer but my baby's gonna look great if the sun ever comes back out. Enjoy and don't forget to wave.:)

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