Left Lane
I've been searching the archives in CAC for a while and still can't find what I'm looking for but can't believe it's never been asked. So ... what are some opinions and facts that I should be looking at when I want to replace my stock shifter in my C5? I changed the shift knob (sorry to all you car gurus out there if I'm using the wrong lingo) a while back and it turned my C5 into a granny shifter - it must have added about three inches to the already tall shifter. I'm not so concerned with the shifter knob on top because I know I want to change that again but this time to a simple, low profile, low height knob. But as far as shifters go, I've seen half a dozen or so different types and they never say how tall they are. I'm thinking I want a sold shaft construction because that just seems less likely to break. But then again, how much force do we really apply when we're shifting? Enough to really break a two-piece shifter? Etc. Any help or ideas or just "what I have in my car and I like/dislike it" answers are helpful. Thx.