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Which cleaning products for Special Edition 427 Z06


Jun 19, 2007
2008 427 Z06 Special Edition #312
What products should I use to keep my new 2008 427 special edition Z06 paint clean, protected and looking great?

I use Zaino on my C6. It is great stuff, and will keep your car looking great. The only down side is the stuff is kind of expensive, and it is not available at your average auto parts store, like most of the other waxes are. You can order the stuff at www.zainostore.com.


P.S. I'm going to move this thread to the detailing forum. You'll probably get more opinions there.

There are many, many great products from many, many great manufacturers! I would use whatever you have used on your Corvettes in the past.

Like Jason said, I've also used Zaino in the past, as well as Meguiars, and Adams, which is my product line of choice right now.

Congrats on your new ride, the special edition is indeed "special" the color is just stunning.
You'll get lots of opinions on care care products and ultimately it's your decision, so you might want to try a few on your own.
For what it's worth, I've used nothing but Zaino show car polish on my last four corvettes since 1999. It's easy to use, the shine and durability is tough to beat. With all products, the prep is the key, almost any sealant or wax will look nice on clean properly prepped paint.
Congrats on your new ride, the special edition is indeed "special" the color is just stunning.
You'll get lots of opinions on care care products and ultimately it's your decision, so you might want to try a few on your own.
For what it's worth, I've used nothing but Zaino show car polish on my last four corvettes since 1999. It's easy to use, the shine and durability is tough to beat. With all products, the prep is the key, almost any sealant or wax will look nice on clean properly prepped paint.
I have to agree with Doug. Proper prep in the key and follow up with Zaino. It is a hobby of mine trying different car care products and I have tried just about every one of them all the way up to some of the most expensive nuba's and feel that Zaino is the best in both looks and durability.
Zaino, suggest I purchase the Total Protection Show Car Kit, what do you think. Also my car is less then two months old from the factory, does that matter, and it has a decal on the hood over the clear coat, what can I do and not do?
I put a couple coats of Zaino on my car about 3 weeks after I bought her. Be sure to follow the tips on the Zaino application page. The only thing I dont agree with Zaino about is the cotton towels. I perfer micro-fiber. Either way, make sure you use high quality towels. The towels from the local auto parts store I use for interior stuff, but for the paint, I only use the micro-fiber towels from Griot's Garage. They are kind of expensive, but if you take care of them, they are work the $$$.

As for the decal, you should be OK. I used Zaino on my '96 Grand Sport, the only issue I had with the decals on that car, was that the wax liked to build up on the decal edges. A light touch with a boar's hair brush will take care of that though.

My Z06 is babied as many other Corvettes are. I don't drive it in the winter or a lot of harsh weather.

With that said, I just don't need to use a swirl remover followed by a bullet proof sealant, then polish and finally a coat of wax. All this work and added expense just doesn't make a whole lot of sense for me anyway. I want a product that goes on easy, comes off easy, and most of all gives spectacular results that lasts for a week or so.

Right now I'm using Adams Products. They give me exactly what I need without spending half a day doing it..If I need a bit longer lasting protection I'll fall back on an old reliable; Meguiar's Mirror Glaze professional series.

Everyone has their own opinion and preference but any good quality product will work, but what ever you decide always use Microfiber towels and cloths.
What ever you decide to use dont cheap out..buy good stuff....you will appreciate it in the long run...

3m ..professional grade..

all good products....
Right now I'm using Adams Products. They give me exactly what I need without spending half a day doing it..If I need a bit longer lasting protection I'll fall back on an old reliable; Meguiar's Mirror Glaze professional series.
I've found that the results from Adam's products are quite long-lasting, at least for me. One good complete and thorough detail at the beginning of the season, and from then on it's just basic maintenance. The bottles of wax and polish I bought over a year ago aren't even half empty yet. Maybe I should start taking care of my daily driver:W
clearkotes Vanilla moose http://www.clearkote.com/Clearkoteweba/VanillMooseWaxHandGlaze.htm
NXT wax 2 coats
S100 or P21s (same thing) 2 coats. Local harley or sport bike dealers usually have it
Maguires topcoat 2 coats
then use adams quick detail or Maguires or mothers. Different sprays work better for different paints. I've not detailed a C6 before, and I'm not sure what color your car is. Zanio is not "the best product ever" for all cars. Try different products on our car and see what works best for you
it has a decal on the hood over the clear coat, what can I do and not do?

Not sure about now, but older decals had specific warnings not to use any type of wax. Trust me, I used it on a Special Edition M80 and it destroyed the stripes back in 1981. Check with the manufacturer and then the wax supplier before you try it out.

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