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White residue

Thanks John. This thread has turned into a free-fall of drug humor. I am laughing my butt off. ;LOL

I was just curious. :confused

Not being a druggie I wouldn't know what-all half of this stuff is they're talking about anyway.

Since it seems to be no big deal I'll let it go. Next time it happens Junk, you can snort it if you wish. Heck, I'll even save it and mail it to you but wouldn't I get busted for sending drugs through the mail? I tried snorting Coke once but the bubbles kept getting up my nose. :rotfl

Thanks John. This thread has turned into a free-fall of drug humor. I am laughing my butt off. ;LOL

I was just curious. :confused

Not being a druggie I wouldn't know what-all half of this stuff is they're talking about anyway.

Since it seems to be no big deal I'll let it go. Next time it happens Junk, you can snort it if you wish. Heck, I'll even save it and mail it to you but wouldn't I get busted for sending drugs through the mail? I tried snorting Coke once but the bubbles kept getting up my nose. :rotfl

Personally Paul,I think it's just some sediment that has been trapped between some panels on your car that just got washed out!!:thumb:thumb:thumb As far as white powder,I haven't had any need for it in OVER 35 years!!I think if you look it up,"Cocaine" is Gods word for "You make Too much Frigging Money"!!:boogie:boogie:boogie
Tony, I had a BUNCH of piles of it. It was all along the entire right side of the car ONLY on the right side and under it. I really did have a lot of it. I pulled the car out and vacuumed it all up. Now some is back. With no rain or wet roads. I was just wondering if anyone else has seen this. I have owned a gazillion cars and bikes in my life and I have never seen this. It was after a VERY heavy rain where the rain fell on it for three hours while it was outside at my wife's Mom's house. Then garaged. Still wet three days later. When it started to dry the piles appeared.

When I felt it it felt like extremely fine powder. No graininess at all. ONLY on the right side though. I WISH I had taken photos of it, what a dumb-a$$ I am sometimes!

No worries. Looks like dust that has washed out of the corners from some remote place under the car.

I wouldn't worry about it at all. If you could get up under the remote places under the car, you'd see there are even dust bunnies up on the top of the fuel tank.

Wet dust creates a gray liquid. Dries like white powder.
Let's Worry

Following this informative thread I have come to the conclusion like Junk said something is being washed out when it rains.

Now lets put our imagination into gear. What material is used in the body panels . Could it be plastic which is white and if something inside a panel is rubbing it would create a white powder that could be just waiting for a good flushing from a rain.

If I were you I would immediately disassemble the car and find the parts that are rubbing and replace them before something falls off.:boogie:boogie:boogie:boogie:boogie;LOL;LOL;LOL;LOL;LOL:blue::blue::blue::v:v
Thanks Dark, and John, well. :L

Wise guy! I know, let me disassemble YOUR car first, um, blindfolded, yeah, blindfolded, then put it back together again and if I have any left over parts, well I'll put them in the storage well!

You guys crack me up! ;LOL;LOL:rotfl:rotfl
Any of this powder in the area of the Poly bushings ?

Hi Glenn, no. Only on the right side, near the right tire, and under the right door. It only showed up when the water dried out.

White residue.

My old garage had a powdery whit residue coming when wet. I asked around and was told it is a chemical reaction in the concrete? I was also told that if this happened in the ceiling and it dripped on the car it would dammage the spray to. If this on the other side is from your car i can only guess but oil with water sometimes turn white, is that possible in your case?

Best regards,
OPTISPARK!?!? Why in the heck didn't I think of that? ;LOL

I really do not have a clue as to what caused it. One of life's mysteries I guess. It could be an alien, vampire, bigfoot.
Try parking the car in the other direction; switch from drive in to back in or back in to drive in to see if the white stuff continues to accumulate on the same side of the car. You'd at least know if it's side-specific.

I don't recall if it's accumulating near the front tire or the rear, but if it's the front, I wonder if it's from the headlight bushings. When they begin to fail they turn to white powder but, in my son's case, the powder remained in the engine compartment, not on the ground.

Just my thoughts.

Hi Jake, thanks. Good idea but I do not drive it that much and it would be hard to catch a good rain here. I had to pull the car out into the driveway last night to replace a circuit card in the garage door opened and when I looked on the floor I noticed several cracks in the floor. It is a brand new house. My guess is it is one of three things. The garage floor, something from the road, or something washed down from inside the car.

Hi Jake, thanks. Good idea but I do not drive it that much and it would be hard to catch a good rain here. I had to pull the car out into the driveway last night to replace a circuit card in the garage door opened and when I looked on the floor I noticed several cracks in the floor. It is a brand new house. My guess is it is one of three things. The garage floor, something from the road, or something washed down from inside the car.


Okay, Paul, but you always resort to the ole garden hose trick.

What I'd do is turn the car around, then wet the sh** out of it with water from the garden hose and let the car sit, checking it daily.

The only similar thing I've seen from my son's 96 is the white powder coming from his failing headlight bushings. Makes a nice pile on the passenger side of the engine compartment.

Keep us posted on what you find.

Happy New Year!

Good idea! I will wash it as soon as it warms up a bit. It is FREEZING down here in Georgia. It is presently 55 degrees which is WAY too cold for me. I have been here for 17 years or so now and I am used to nice 90+ weather! :)

I will keep you posted however. :upthumbs
I did the test and I have discovered it IS coming from the garage floor.

Thanks ya'll.
I did the test and I have discovered it IS coming from the garage floor.

Thanks ya'll.

It's lime leaching out of the concrete, very common on newer floors.:thumb
Now THAT is a good idea! How about some sporty seats so I can take the house out for a spin? ;LOL

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