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Who Knows??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tanzanite3
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I think this may be a question for Hib .. or someone with at least as much knowledge!!
We have two vehicles 91 Vette, 98 Eldo... both with computer Drivers Information Centers.. Here's the question.
I can convert both from Metric to North American .. ie: Kilometers and litres to Miles and gallons. I know what 7 litres per 100 km means and I know what 24 mpg means! Yup I'm that old!! lol
However, there is a difference between an Imperial quart and an American quart (32 ounces vs 40 ounces) there are still 4 quarts in a gallon Imperial and American however, the gallons are different sizes (128 vs 160 ounces!) . Can the computers in the two cars provide mpg in Imperial or just American? Are there different chips for exported cars that provide this? If you can only get about 24-30 mpg with your big gallon.. I have to drive boringly slow to achieve the same numbers with my small gallon!
Does this make any sense??

so.. assuming it makes enough sense the questions are:

1. Do the computers have different software to accommodate the different sized gallons in the U.S. vs Canada?
2. If so, how do I determine which I have in my cars?
Hi there,
I do know that there is a calibration changes for Eldorado, and I dont know if they can be changed.
I think that you may have this programmed in, and I am unaware of if it can be changed or not.
I will talk with a few people today, and see if I can dig something up, Bestoyou, c4c5
Where's Hib

I've never known Ken to "Not have some kind of answer" Usually informative and helpful!
Stumped you here huh bud!

Looks like we gotta wait for the C4C5Specialist to report back or the response from Dave Hill or Hib or someone who knows.

Actually, I did ask the question before .. about 6 months ago on "the site I rarely now visit!" .. no one had a definitive answer .. just a whole lot of hyperbole which didn't help a lot!

It would be neat to know. Since I purchased the Eldo from Dallas, Texas where it was first sold in '98, I would be astonished if it was able to recognize that it has gone far enough North that it should use Imperial rather than American.
However, the Vette may be a different story . . It began life as an auto for Export to Canada and maybe it uses Imperial from the beginning.
But, How to know!!:confused
Re: Where's Hib

Tanzanite3 said:
I've never known Ken to "Not have some kind of answer". ...Stumped you here huh bud!
:o Yep!
Actually, I did ask the question before .. about 6 months ago on "the site I rarely now visit!" .. no one had a definitive answer .. just a whole lot of hyperbole which didn't help a lot!

After reading that paragraph, at least I don't feel as bad not having an answer for you Glenn. But you're right, ya got me with that one. ;)

_ken :w
I think we are going about this the wrong way. Why not get eveyone else to change. Ok, no realistic, but a nice thought.

If you can get a chip or programer to readjust the fuel curves, you should be able to tweek the measurements. This is most interesting. I will also ask around to see what I can find out.
Tanzanite3 said:
I think this may be a question for Hib .. or someone with at least as much knowledge!!
so.. assuming it makes enough sense the questions are:

1. Do the computers have different software to accommodate the different sized gallons in the U.S. vs Canada?
2. If so, how do I determine which I have in my cars?

Uh---well, I'm not the one with the knowlege on this issue. Those are good questions but I have no idea as to the answers.
Glenn, I think you won the award for the strangest question asked so far. ;)

_ken :w
Oh Well!!

So, we struck out with Hib...

Just waiting for C4C5Specialist to come back with his findings.

Topless.. did you find anything.

Let's keep the research going on this one.. someone must know or at least know someone who knows.

I surely don't and would like to! :D :(

Why is this a "strange" question Ken?? If you were a canuk you'd need to know too!! :D :D
Tan....you've accidently sorta hit upon one of my pet peeves.......I HATE SAE!! 30 years ago they told us in school that EVERYTHING would be metric in 10 years...it is SO much easier.......I hate Measuring with all those fractions!!!!!! Its SO DUMB!! In college I worked at a print shop and drove my old men co workers wacky...I ONLY used Metric :-)
Everyone see Ken talking Canadian!!
On top of all his other talents....... he's a multi-linguist to boot!! :D

For those of you who don't speak Canadian very well..

EH = Huh? As in "that is real nice.. huh? (eh)"
EH = What? Don't understand something just ask... What?(eh)
EH = Isn't it? Same as #1.. except huh is 'marikan.. "isn't it" is international eh!
EH = Hey As in .. Hey (eh) you, what are ya doin?

Pretty darn versatile when you think about it! :upthumbs

Christian.. you did hit on something which would make all the world an easier place to understand. Why 5280 feet in a mile?
1760 yards?? Our country is so messed up, we buy our meat by the kilogram (seemed like the price doubled when that happened even though there is only 1.6 times the volume!)
Same thing when gallons (Imperial) went to litres for gas.
One of the wierd ones is that a can of coke is no longer 12 ounces but 184 grams .. go figgure! Same size can and yup the price increased when they had to change the labelling!!!!

How'd we get so far off topic?? I still wanna know if my cars calculate MPG correctly.. DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW????
Tanzanite3 said:
...'marikan.. "isn't it" (eh!)
:L Sounds like "You might be a redneck if..." :L

How'd we get so far off topic?? I still wanna know if my cars calculate MPG correctly.. DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW????
:eyerole The way our minds operate! :eyerole

_ken :w

Have you figured your MPG the old fashioned way and then compared it to what the computer said?
HI there,
I have been told that the Eldo, and the Vette automatically compensates for the different measures.
This comes from an engineer in electronics.
I am just relaying the information, as I am not sure of anything as to the programming.
Sorry, c4c5:hb
To further clarify this very important question, what does the computer do when you're in England and are using miles per hour (so much for a complete metric system) and liters to fill the tank.

Sorta like the EURO currency, that's coming right along. :confused :t

59Tom... do you know how difficult that would be??

I buy gas in litres. need to change that to gallons, (imperial) or is that (us)?? Should we use Canadian dollars or the more world renown US Dollar?? JK :D :D
Far too confusing.. tell you what, next time I fill up, I'll note the mileage in both Kms. and miles. Then when the tank is empty, I'll fill up again and note the mileage in Kms and Miles. I'll include the litres purchased to fill it up .. and send the whole lot to you where you can do the math.. Let me know what it is and I'll compare it to the DIC! Deal?? BTW how many litres are in a gallon?

WHEW.. my head hurts already!! Time to get the Vette out of the garage and go for a cruise mebbe get an ice cream! It's absolutely beautiful up here today! Sunny and 10 degrees (thats celsius!) I can convert that for you if you wish! take the 10 and multiply by 8 then divide by 5 and add 32 to the answer. Should be close to 50 farenheit!

C4C5Specialist.. so, what you're saying is that the cars know if I filled up in Canada or the US!!!
I would find it hard to believe that the car would know where it is filled up. :crazy There would have to be a setting to change it to Imperial just like there is to change from metric to US. Send me your figures when you get them and I'll see what I can do. It doesn't seem that difficult to me. BTW most any dictionary has weight and measure tables for US, metric and Imperial.

One more thing. Have you compared your readings from your US Caddy and your Canadian Corvette over a known distance to determine if they are measuring a mile in the same way?

the owners manual??

Does the owners manual or large service manual say what the computor is "computin" ????

The Canadian edition should tell what is going on and how to read it.

Personally I think it is miles per gallon US, and liters per kilometer in Canada.
Just my 2 cents.
Jim Gessner

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