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Will You Drive Your Corvette In The Snow?

I will if it's not too bad.
We live on a hill that is famous for being difficult to get up with snow and ice.

My car is also lowered, so if there is plow remains across my driveway, there would probably be damage.

I've got an '04 Avalanche 2500 that will get me through just about anything, so I'm not worried.
No....Please Don't Make Me Go Out There


I would if I had to.

When I was stationed in Germany- my C5 was my daily driver! :D

It did great in the German winters. The TCS and near 50/50 weight distribution allowed me to drive it on packed snow that wasn't higher than the front spoiler.
I'm looking at the I95 weather and road conditions .I'm thinking about making a late Feb early March run if conditions permit .Key West would warm my heart :)
ZO6 in the Snow!

Thought I'd share a picture taken in Plymouth, MA last week of a 2008 Jetstream Blue ZO6 stuck in the snow!!! Can you imagine this guy actually driving a ZO6 in this weather??!! Duh...


This is about as close as mine will ever get to seeing snow !



I got an 03 Silverado for the bad weather :beer
Well, the plows and other traffic removed or packed enough snow to allow me to get out of my neighborhood and to work today. Drove the '06 Vette. Didn't have any problems.

Looks like we'll get another week of the white stuff here in OKC so I'll probably be taking some vacation time and sitting at home.

Both Vettes have All Season tires but they still can't drive over big ridges in the road. And, the Little Red Wagon ain't going out in this slippery stuff.
Let's Get Some Fuel And Drive It Some More

Now here's a brave guy. On the other hand maybe the additional
fuel will give it better traction.:cool

What's the "snow traction rating" on GY F1 Supercars?

:rotfl No don't think I'll take mine out in the snow......I've been out 3 times since Christmas but on dry roads. I did see a C3 and a C6 out last week in Bowling Green "in the snow" but not for me thanks :chuckle

Dwayne...why did you drive it on sloppy streets....and to all places..a C6 gathering?
Good Point

Remo - C6 CRZN's my next door neighbor! ;)

You know, I remember him setting us straight about that on another thread. So given that...... I'll correct the record . Yes Dwayne did drive his Vette in the snow...well sort of.:L
I'm looking at the I95 weather and road conditions .I'm thinking about making a late Feb early March run if conditions permit .Key West would warm my heart :)

Don't let the weather stop you!~!!:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle


He made it back over today in his car, all of about 150 yards. No problems because our driveways were clean. It was about 62 today, a nice afternoon for a cold one :beer.
He made it back over today in his car, all of about 150 yards. No problems because our driveways were clean. It was about 62 today, a nice afternoon for a cold one :beer.

CRZN...thanks for keeping the record straight. Someone has to keep Dwayne on the up and up.:)

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