1960...Is this a difficult thing to do? I have an NOS regulator coming to me and am wondering if I can do it myself? I do know how to get into the door..
no, not difficult. BUT, there is a way to do it versus being frustrated beyond all belief.
To get the window regulator into its position, you need to first get it down into the door. that means that you need to take off all the stuff at the top of the door. The inside and outside trim pieces as well as the window felt.
Get the door panel off and take off the 5"x5" cover so you can get your hand into the opening.
Once you get it into the door, you will find that it is impossible to get it into final position. At this point you will think that they built the door around the regulator....frustation runs high at this point. But, don't dispair! Here is the key, put the door window regulator on the splined knob and roll the window up slightly. Try to fit it in place again, if it still doesn't go, adjust it up a but more. there is a sweet spot in the regulator adjustment that will enable you to get it in place easily (as well as take it out). But you have to find that sweet spot when all of a sudden the window regulator fits past all the door inside structutral pieces and will go into position.
It took me a couple of times to figure out there is a sweet spot in terms of the window regulator rolled up maybe 1/4 or 1/3 give or take.
It isn't difficult to do, but you need to have patience when doing this because it can be frustrating. If you get frustrated, go in the house or mow the lawn...come back later. Just remember as you are doing it, there is a sweet spot in terms of the regulator adjusted up that will enable it to wiggle right in.
Does that help?