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Windshield Frame 1966 Rusted


New member
Feb 8, 2006
NW Illinois
1966 Corvette Roadster
I was wondering if anyone has seen a 1966 windshield frame in this bad of shape. Is there another way to repair this windshield frame without removing the entire front end. I have another windshield frame in awesome shape that is attached to a partial birdcage.

Also, has anyone ever attempted to remove panels from the bonding strips using a small die grinder with a cut off wheel to initially separate the bonding strip. Any guidance on this project or perhaps a step by step method of handling this project would be greatly appreciated.



Unfortunately, you will have to pull the front clip to replace the windshield frame. After removal of the clip, you will need to remove the front hinge pillar cover, or just pull it over out of the way. Then you will need to drill out all the spot welds that secure it to the top of the hinge pillar birdcage. Then you will need to drill out the rivets that secure the cowl to the bottom of the windshield frame and open up the bonding seam at the cowl with a sharp putty knife driven in the joint. After this is complete, the windshield frame will lift out. It is a time-consuming job, but sometimes it is necessary. The windshield frame will come out with a L-shaped channel of fiberglass pop riveted to it. You must reuse this channel, as I know no one who reproduces this part. After blasting and priming your new frame, be sure that you completely bed this channel in sealant before pop riveting it back on. The factory sealant was pretty poor, and has dried up years ago. You can't stop the windshield leaking if this joint is not properly sealed. I just finished bonding and welding a windshield frame back into my 65 last night, and I am sure glad that that job is over! Don't be surprised if you find that the frame you think is pristine is actually fairly rusty under the fiberglass channel. The poor seal on this part made water collect between the channel and the frame and accelerate the rusting. Don't even consider not pulling the channel off and blasting and priming the frame, there is too much work involved here not to do the job right!

Regards, John McGraw
Hey John,

Thanks for the reply. Is it possible to remove the entire front clip without damaging it to much. The reason I ask is, as you can see in the pic the front clip is in excellent condition and I just would feel pretty bad if I end up busting and cracking fender panels. Are there any tricks of the trade to remove the front clip without doing much aor any damage. Also, you talk about sealing the L shaped channel with sealant, what type of sealant and where can I get it.

Thanks Again

Todd Rakofsky
trvette66 said:
Hey John,

Thanks for the reply. Is it possible to remove the entire front clip without damaging it to much. The reason I ask is, as you can see in the pic the front clip is in excellent condition and I just would feel pretty bad if I end up busting and cracking fender panels. Are there any tricks of the trade to remove the front clip without doing much aor any damage. Also, you talk about sealing the L shaped channel with sealant, what type of sealant and where can I get it.

Thanks Again

Todd Rakofsky

The front clip can be removed without hurting it too much. It is slow, time consuming job, but it can be done. Just get some strudy putty knives and sharpen them to a pretty good edge. Drive the putty knives into the bond joint at each bonding strip and around the door openings, and you should be able to get the clip off with a minimum of damage. The key to this is to fully understand all the places where the front end is bonded on, and slowly work your way down each bonding strip. Drop me an email if you want some pics of a body tub minus the front clip with all the bonding joints identified. I have a car in the shop right now that has the front clip off of it.

Regards, John McGraw
Hi Todd,
I did a repair on my 65 using POR-15 silver. On the rusted through areas I mixed up 2 part epoxy and mixed cabosil into it til it was like peanut butter and used a little fiberglass cloth and the epoxy to patch the holes and it turned out great.
Project Update

I was wondering if anyone has seen a 1966 windshield frame in this bad of shape. Is there another way to repair this windshield frame without removing the entire front end. I have another windshield frame in awesome shape that is attached to a partial birdcage.

Also, has anyone ever attempted to remove panels from the bonding strips using a small die grinder with a cut off wheel to initially separate the bonding strip. Any guidance on this project or perhaps a step by step method of handling this project would be greatly appreciated.




Project Update 04/25/10:

Removed front clip as one piece (patience it can be done, remember sharp stiff putty knife between bonding strip and body panel). Once front clip was removed and birdcage exposed Vetteran Automotive (Crystal Lake, IL, owner Joe Seputis, www.vetteranauto.com) installed the new birdcage (see attached poto link). The birdcage removal / install is perhaps the toughest project for any corvette restoration professional. It was only after years of searching the midwest Chicago area that I finally trusted Vetteran Automotive and owner Joe Seputis for this birdcage project. Vetteran Automotive delivered and continues to deliver on time professional results.

Photos in trvette66's 'NewWindshieldFrameBirdcage' album

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