We've been to a number of the Finger Lakes wineries, but not last weekend. We just drove around the area, out to Sodus Bay along Lake Road- a good 2 hour jaunt.
There was a "tour" two weekends ago around Keuka Lake- pay 40 bucks, get two "commemorative" wine glasses, free samples at 8 wineries and a special ornament from each to go on a wreath. We missed this year, but are trying for next. The weather two weekends ago was great. Shame we missed it.
We have been to quite a few of the wineries in the Finger Lakes- Fox Run, Glenora, Heron Hill, Dr. Frank, Goose Watch, Widmers, Anthony Road and others. They are "ok" in most cases. Another good wine region is around Westfield, NY, west end of the state almost to Erie PA. Johnston Estates is a real small, "rustic" winery, but the wines are great. Take 17 past Jamestown, go to the lake and stop.
We found that there are a lot of wineries in Niagara-on-the-Lake (Canada or The Great White North, eh?) that do one heck of a marketing job. Beautiful buildings, fine restaurants, everything set up for touristy-types. We always get comments with the smurfvet.
The exchange rate is about a US buck for a buck fifty canadian, and the wine pirces are the same as local wineries, if not less for the same variety. Save a lot of bucks that way.
If you ever get up that way (it would be a weekend for you), the area is filled with bed and breakfasts, not too expensive, and nice. Might be a good weekend trip for you some day. The Finger Lakes wineries aren't slouches, by ant stretch, but there's about 15 wineries in the NOL region, all within 10 miles or so. Makes for a great weekend. I can recommend a bunch of places to go if you ever want them.