Winter Blues
I'm a midwesterner too, and there are some steps people take to prep the cars before storing them. Although, I have to confess, when I first got my Vette, I used to go all-out

Today, 10 years later, I do the bare minimum. Translation: Quick Access.
Some actually drain all fluids, remove tires, store on blocks.
I simply start using gas line anti-freeze in October. Store in a unheated garage covered with a full tank of Premium gas with a treatment.
On those overly cold winter days - DO NOTHING, don't even try to start it, you'll just wear down the battery. On those rare nice winter days, above 32 degrees, take her for a drive. Just because we live in the midwest, doesn't mean we can't enjoy them.

MOST of the time.
In the spring you should do the standard stuff like: Charge battery, change oil, inflate tires etc...
P.S. Don't let those west coast guys:Silly get you down. Owning a Corvette in a state where WE actually have more than ONE season, makes us appreciate them that much more. Wait untill spring, you wont' believe how excited you'll be on the first sunny:cool day. You'll get the same feeling as the day you bought her, and we get to relive that feeling EACH year.:J
But then again, it's so sad when we have to put them away