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Question: Wiper switch in off position


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
My switch is 42 years old and I am restoring dash cluster items. When it is in the off position, current still flows for one of the conector tabs. In low , both tabs (yellow and light blue) show flow with switch grounded. In high, only one tab , and with washer knob in, dark blue and yellow or light blue or both as it should. It is only when switch is off that current still flows on one of the tabs. Do I need a new switch?

Thanks Jack
wiper switch off

See this thread:


There will always be power at one terminal when the key is "on" - the switch operates the motor by grounding it. :)

Hi John, I am testing the switch with a continutiity testor. The switch is not in the car but on my bench. I use the neg testor lead to act as ground and touch the conectors one at a time to see if current flows. Is this wrong way to test the switch? I would assume, reading your other advise on the switch, that in the off position no current would flow thru any of the conectors.

Hi John, I am testing the switch with a continutiity testor. The switch is not in the car but on my bench. I use the neg testor lead to act as ground and touch the conectors one at a time to see if current flows. Is this wrong way to test the switch? I would assume, reading your other advise on the switch, that in the off position no current would flow thru any of the conectors.

Hi John, I am testing the switch with a continutiity testor. The switch is not in the car but on my bench. I use the neg testor lead to act as ground and touch the conectors one at a time to see if current flows. Is this wrong way to test the switch? I would assume, reading your other advise on the switch, that in the off position no current would flow thru any of the conectors.


With the switch on the bench and in the fully counter-clockwise (off) position, there should be no continuity from any of the three terminals to the switch body (which is ground).

Turned one detent clockwise (to "low" position), there should be continuity from both the yellow wire terminal and the light blue wire terminal to the switch body; grounding those two wires creates the "low" speed.

Turned one more detent clockwise (to "high" position), there should be continuity only from the light blue wire terminal to the switch body; grounding only that wire creates the "high" speed.

Pushing the button for the washers should create continuity from the dark blue wire to the switch body; grounding that wire energizes the washer pump (and mechanically turns the switch knob to the "low" position, grounding the yellow and light blue wires, turning on the wipers).

None of the three female terminals in the harness connector in the car should show any power with the ignition key "off", and all three should show power with the ignition key in "on" or "accessory". The switch grounds them as outlined above so current will flow to operate low, high, and washers.

Wire colors noted above are for '66-'67; the circuitry is the same on earlier cars, but the wire colors are slightly different.

Hi John,
Thanks for the switch info, I thought that in the off no current should flow and did not want to buy a switch if my old one was still good. Just one more part I need. As you may have read, I am the second owner, bought the car in 1970 for $2,100 from a Navy pilot going to Nam. This is the final restoration, even though I am restoring it to top standards, It will be my daily car for six months a year as it has been for over 38 years. One question , the plug to the wiper motor, yellow wire facing motor or facing firewall, I know it has a ridge on the plug , but I did not look when I unpluged it.
Thanks again, Jack

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