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Question: wiper transmission arms

  • Thread starter Thread starter robert64
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Hi. The service manual and AIM both show a spacer on the crank arm between the transmission arms. There is none on mine. Does anyone know what this spacer is made of or is it just a thin washer? If it is something special, where can I get one? Regards, Robert
Found it. It is rubber and several suppliers carry it. Regards, Robert
Found it. It is rubber and several suppliers carry it. Regards, Robert

Yup - they're extra-thick hard rubber or fiber spacers; they keep the tubular portion of the linkage arms from interfering with each other. Without them, the linkage arms will hit each other twice per crank arm revolution.

Thank you JohnZ. That is probably why my recently repaired and restored motor quit after only 1/2 hour of operation. There was no spacer there when I removed it originally. Now I know.:thumb Regards, Robert

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