my winter project this year is to get my wipers to work right again on my 81. they seem to work when they want to. it dont matter if its raining or not. some days it will some days it dont. i got out the wiring diagrams after testing for power when it dies, no power sometimes sometimes it does. checked fuse--good. dont think its the switch, whey would it work somtimes if it was. which leaves me the motor, and the control assembly. again the motor works when it wants to?????--maybe the brushes are getting bad but when it dont want to, wouldnt it get hot still when it has power goint to it? which leaves the control asembly, which all the wires for the system go into it seems. but i cant find one anywere named wiper control asembly. what else is it called? and anyone have ideas or a common problum with the wipers i can check out. also illitraions on what is and how to get the control assembly out would be nice. its tucked under neath the storage compartment tray. and theres other things there as well i dont know what there are yet. thanks for the help in advance.