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Question: Wipers


Jan 5, 2009
Dallas, Texas
1964 Retro
The wipers in my 1964 start in the "up" position and go down when they are turned on, then go back to the up position when turned off. Is there an adjustment in the wiper motor or has the linkage been installed incorrectly?
Hi, I am not an expert, but I just had my dash apart including the wiper rods. Try reversing the wiper motor rear lever. The one inside of the car with the rods attached to it. Go 180 dg or what ever the key in the gear will allow. The motor always returns to a set position after the switch is turned off. Somehow it sounds like the gear was put back on without looking at the blade position , which is hard to know if the wiper arms are not on.

When the motor is "off" and parked, the arm should be at the 3:00 position as viewed from inside the car, and the link arms at the transmissions should look like those in the photo below. :)

Thanks...that was the problem. My arm was facing left.

When the motor is "off" and parked, the arm should be at the 3:00 position as viewed from inside the car, and the link arms at the transmissions should look like those in the photo below. :)
Jack..the linkage arm was facing left instaed of right. Thanks for the input>
Driver side arm under or over pass arm on lever

When the motor is "off" and parked, the arm should be at the 3:00 position as viewed from inside the car, and the link arms at the transmissions should look like those in the photo below. :)

Hi John,

I don't remember and can't make out from you picture if the positions of the wiper arms matter. Which arm goes onto lever first?


Hi John,

I don't remember and can't make out from you picture if the positions of the wiper arms matter. Which arm goes onto lever first?



The driver's side linkage rod goes on the motor first, then the passenger side linkage rod; don't forget the spacer between the two rods on the shaft, or they'll hit each other and make a loud "clunk" every motor revolution. :)
Did not want to go back in

The driver's side linkage rod goes on the motor first, then the passenger side linkage rod; don't forget the spacer between the two rods on the shaft, or they'll hit each other and make a loud "clunk" every motor revolution. :)

Thanks, I thought that was the way, I had it back wards. I am putting in heat shielding on inner firewall and I did not want to go back in, speakers and etc next, no fun if it was wrong,,,,,


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