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Work In Progress..


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2000
Amarillo, TX
1981 UL5
Even though the L81VetteRegistry looks like a completed product, it is NOT. Rob and I have bounced many idea's around about how we want the Site to look and what we want it to be and what it can do for our members.

I ask that everyone Please exercise patience.. The L81 Vette Registry is already a premire site, with a little time and planning we will be the #1 Corvette Registry on the internet!

We apologize for the delay in updating the Registry web site, but we are currently working on a new L81 Vette Registry which will be database-driven for ease of locating members, and documenting our L81s. The new Registry will include special searching and sorting features. We would ask that you please be patient with us as we implement this new addition to the L81 Vette Registry web site. Thank you!

Trust ME I don't have the talent to do what we are planning, even if I did, I don't know that I would have the time to set it all up. Rob is the brains behind all these idea's and he is the web developer that will be building, organizing and putting into practice these new inovative idea's.

Hang in there with us, and I think we will all be amazed with what our final product will be..

Thank you
Bud Dougherty
Excellent job on what I see! I "go away" for a few months and everything gets better???

Great registry and great people. Keep it up!

81 Silver/Dk. Blue
Darrell ~ Welcome home ~


It's nice seeing you here. Yea we've made just a tad bit of changes to the Registry :L

I wish you well my friend, and you and your family are in our prayers. You will more than likely run across your other brother Darrell in here (Grizz) ;)

Hey Man it's great seeing you here :D

:bu :w
Thanks for the flowers Bud.....you are too kind.

Good to be back in touch.
I also apologize for not updating the site as much as I should be. I've had my hands full between the CAC and vacation a couple weeks ago and trying to build the new Registry section. To give you some idea of what the new Registry will be like, take a look at our own 1953 Registry here. It will look similar but provide more information.

Part of the reason why it's taking me so long is that the programming is all new to me so it's a learning experience for me as well. Also, a lot of the coding that is going into the new Registry will also go into a VERY cool addition that I'm also building for the CAC. Hang tight! Good things are a comin'! ;)

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