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www.CallawayRacingCorvettes.com coming soon to a computer near you!

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The web page is (kinda-almost) live, and the book;

Callaway Competition Cars: Racing Corvettes and Prototypes

Is taking shape.

I want to thank many people who have donated information, photos and time to this 10-year labor of love. I still am asking for additional information and digital or regular photos of competition Callaway’s at the race track, in the shop, under the skin, anything that can make this book that much better.

Support for this book through advice, photos, editing and moral support has come from:

Reeves Callaway, for not kicking me out of the shop in Germany when I was taking pictures from 1996-2001

Ernst Woehr, at Callaway Competition, Germany (everything)

Michael Colucci, MCR Racing (C12R Le Mans 2001 photos)

Richard Carey, for content advice

Nathan Sheets, for content advice

Thanx again...please feel free to join the club (I need all the help I can get).

Dr. Mike Roberts
Update on Competition Callaway Book

It has amazed me what a single starter web page can do. I have gotten 6 emails from around the globe and a dozen super images and offers for more and additional support. I have may have secured the use of 28 high quality images from the BJ auction in AZ of the C7R, SledgeHammer and the C12. Equally exciting, a letter from Switzerland has netted a future string of images of the original Lemon-Soda CL1-C, Elsa the Callaway LM, and the #2 C12R….Thanks …..I really want to get a manuscript completed by Summer 2005.
I wish I could help with some pictures, but I don't really have any that you are looking for. Good luck with the book, I'm looking forward to it's release!!
sounds interesting Mike - Can't wait to see the finished product :m
Hello Callaway folks,

I'm new to this board and happy I found it!

This may not be the ideal topic to say "hello" but since it was critt99 who motivated me to support his book project and therefore to join this board.

it's great to see that there are so many others out there who also are still fascinated by the amazing Callaways. I'm a Callaway fan since 1986, since the first rumors about a "twin turbo Corvette" started. Having collected many infos about Callaways over the years, I still could learn a lot by visiting this board the last few days. Thanks to all of you, sharing infos, knowledge, enthusiasm, private stories and pictures with others.

It's great to be part of it. :D
Welcome Triple-V this is nice group of folks.

Are you the same person who contacted me through the website? I just moved back from Northern Italy (Vicenza) and have spent allot of time in CH. I miss Europe and the cars....If you have any Callaway images or information that might be good for the book contact me through my email....Mike
Hello Mike,

Yep! I'm Edi. As I stated in the mail to you: I will help you in any way I can, to make it (a little) easier for you to get infos an pics from the Callaway scene around here. Since the C12R is beeing raced several times the year, there is the option to get new Pics an infos every now and then.

Hello *89x2*,

Thank you for the "welcome words".
I will be happy to share stories and infos about Callaway. There is a first one, that I like:
Imagine: The C7R is ready for the first real live track test the following week. But bevor going to that Track with the C7R on a Trailer, someone at Leingarten feels that the car should be driven a few meters (or feet) beside all dyno testing.

There is a fairytale going around in the Germany Stuttgart area that says: On a warm sunday morning somewhen in 1996 on the "Autobahn" something that looked pretty much like a C7R was heating up the asphalt shortly bevore sunrise..... well it's only a fairytale, they say. But each time they are telling this, their faces lighten up... :beer

I had computer demons last night...

Edi, thanx for the latest pix, I think the profile shot might be what I was looking for the cover...I will try to create a sample this weekend. I think you will like it. I had typed you a long note last night and as I was ready to send and...poof! it was gone..I will try to resend tonight.

For all of you folks wondering what goodies I may have, I am now up to 1800 images of Callaway race cars. Most are copyright protected, thus not elligible for my book, but I am planning on circulating them via CD for free when the book is done....

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