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ZR1 Registry!


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Finally! After a lot of hard work, development and testing, we're please to announce the release of the online C6 ZR1 Registry!

This is unique online registry that we built in order to document the history of each C6 ZR1 that comes off the assembly line.

The initial idea was to build something similar to our 1953 Registry, but we needed to adapt it to the C6 ZR1. With this new Registry, there is a lot more "space" for details, and a much better layout.

Eventually we'll port the scripts and database schema over to the 1953 Registry.

We're still in the process of fine tuning a few things and double checking everything, but the system seems to be working quite well.

Stop by and check it out!

Great idea, Rob! :beer

If I get the ZR1 ordered, I'll be sure to add the data to your registry.

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