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New member
Nov 5, 2013
south carolina
I do a lot of reading mostly,Have 3 vettes 1971,1980,and 2002.Now i`m doing the 1971,did suspension on front end 2 weeks ago.Time to save a little more money.It`s nice to be here.
Welcome to the Forum. Glad you took the time to join the fun. :w
I do a lot of reading mostly,Have 3 vettes 1971,1980,and 2002.Now i`m doing the 1971,did suspension on front end 2 weeks ago.Time to save a little more money.It`s nice to be here.

Welcome to the forum!

It's great to have you here. Feel free to contact us anytime you have questions. Hows' 'Vette ownership?

William R.
Chevrolet Customer Care
Welcome aboard! Three Vettes... lucky guy!!

Welcome to CAC!!!!
Welcome Aboard

I do a lot of reading mostly,Have 3 vettes 1971,1980,and 2002.Now i`m doing the 1971,did suspension on front end 2 weeks ago.Time to save a little more money.It`s nice to be here.

WELCOME TO CORVETTE ACTION CENTER, we're glad you've joined us :happyanim:Three count them 3 Corvettes, must be nice :thumb Do you have a favorite ;shrug


new member

As a new member I look forward to talking to new people about corvettes and I need all the help I can get. Thanks to all who have welcomed me.
Welcome to Corvette Action Center

As a new member I look forward to talking to new people about corvettes and I need all the help I can get. Thanks to all who have welcomed me.

:welcomewe're glad you've decided to join us.

-Bill :w

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