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Help! 75 stalls when put in gear

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I have a 75 Corvette Stingray Coupe, with the L82 350 400 trans. I just got the car in Oct because I always wanted a 75 with T tops. The car was kept in a barn and was not driven for a long time. Ok the problem is the car will start up, idle at a high RPM 800 to 1000. If you make it go any lower it stalls when you put it in gear then drops down to 500. If you feather the gas it stays started. When you shift it into gear at that RPM it makes a big clunk. When you drive it once it gets hot it shifts smoothy with out problems, but if you come to a stop it will stall or you have to feather it. The car also has a Rochester 4 barrel on it that someone put locktight on the big nut on the carb for the fuel filter so I can not change the filter. Does any one know how I can get that nut off or desove the locktight. I tried to turn it, but it just tries to bend the gas line from the fuel pump . I did get the idle to adjust to the right specs by the idle screw and the air and gas mixture screws. I want to rebuild the carb, but can not get the carb off with out cutting the gas line. I first have to get the car to run in gear with out stalling. I was thinking that if it sat for so long maybe the fuel is bad, but did replace it. I do not know if the fuel pump is dirty or if the carb is dirty any help would be greatly appreciated. I do not know what I have to do to fush the whole fuel system other then disconnect the line from the fuel pump and turning it over a few times. If I do that will it clear the whole gas line from the tank to the fuel pump. If that is not the problem then I am at a lost.
1st Welcome to CAC!!!
enjoy the forums
2nd,do you get the clunk every time you put the car in gear??? check the u-joints..all of them
IF you have to you can cut the fuel line with a tubing cutter and put it back together with a piece of gas line hose and a couple of clamps,if you have too...
...Ok the problem is the car will start up, idle at a high RPM 800 to 1000. If you make it go any lower it stalls when you put it in gear then drops down to 500...

Set it to idle at 600-650 rpm in Drive.

...someone put locktight on the big nut on the carb for the fuel filter so I can not change the filter. Does any one know how I can get that nut off or desove the locktight...

Stranger things have happened, but my guess is that you are seeing sealant and not Locktite. Loosening the fuel fitting requires two wrenches; one to hold the carb fitting while you loosen the fuel line with the other.

When was the last time the engine got a complete tune up?

I'm not sure on a 75 but on some cars with computers the mixture could be too rich because the temp. sensor is not working.

Jim and you dont always get a code.
I'm not sure on a 75 but on some cars with computers the mixture could be too rich because the temp. sensor is not working.

Jim and you dont always get a code.
We can rule this out. First vettes to have a computer were 1980 (California only), then all 1981s

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