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Important! Independence Day - What are you doing?

Mar 27, 2003
Mustang, OK
'13 427 60th vert - '25 Eray Hysteria Purple - CTS V Wagon(4-door Vette)
Happy 4th of July.

I'll be cooking a big piece of meat in the smoker tomorrow, throwing down a few beers :beerand maybe some Jack :drinkafter dark. Our town allows fireworks :rbut I don't buy any. There's plenty of other people setting them off so I'll have a lot to look at and listen to tomorrow night. The Vette will be in the garage and the grass watered. :D

Hope everyone has a great time on this holiday!

We are camping fortunately the popup has A/C because even in the mountains of western NC it is 90-95.

I hope everyone has a great time and pauses to remember the meaning of the 4th of July.

John Adams in a letter to his wife, Abigail:
"The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more."

It seems his prediction was a couple of days off. :D
Our Corvette Club will be showing 17 of our best in the local July 4th Parade!:happyanim:
Measuring for footers for the deck we are adding on the house, mowing grass, and enjoying some adult beverages with the wife. Having the family get together on Sunday.

Have a great weekend everyone!

In years past we would have a block party and I made Margareta's, Pena Colotas (sp), and other various blender drinks (BLACKDAWG) helped man the blenders. I cleaned off the work bench in the garage and we set up 4 blenders :drink :m

We moved to Texas, BLACKDAWG passed away, so now we put our American Flag out, this year we will pass on the parade, and just go out front and watch the City Fire Work display from our front porch. Fireworks are about 5 block south east of us and we get a good view over the trees ;)

I am grateful to be here for this years 4th of July and just as grateful to celebrate America's Birthday.. I Love My Country and served her proudly and would do it again, no regrets what so ever.. :pat

Bud & Nanc Dougherty
Amarillo, TX :pat
4 July Parade in Santa Barbara CA with two of our cars, the '04 and the '95.

Neighbor kids riding shotgun. Lots of flags and stuff on the cars.

Burgers and margaritas afterwards.

Happy 4th to all
Working... :ugh

4th will be a day of rest. Ran all over yesterday selling my 89 C4, 06 Mustang GT and 84 Cutlass. Bought a loaded Ford Edge to go along with my recently purchased 99 C5..Driveway looks bare now..lol..Will use my wife's Fusion for the daily driver, hated giving up the Stang instead of the Fusion but found that I would chop $100 over my insurance bill(monthly) by getting rid of it. Never knew that convertibles were sky high insurance-wise and it made better sense to keep the lower mileage Fusion. Absolutely love the C5 but will miss the Stang, fun car to drive and with 172k miles on it, it still ran like a top and never had a problem with it.

Anyone in need of a well-used 89 Service Manual, drop me a line. Buyer said he knew all about cars and didn't need it. Didn't argue with him and I hope he didn't see me roll my eyes..:L
Rosie, one daughter and her family are doing a walk/run this morning. I'm here with grandson (too young to walk/run). Later we will attend the parade. Other daughter and family will host a get together later. That SIL will be smoking a bunch of meat products for a feast.

I tried to sell the the C5 last night to a guy who wanted me to sell it to him at wholesale price. Not doing that. It's not perfect, but worth more than wholesale. Doesn't matter as much now anyway, the C6 I was looking at sold. I have another one spotted, but still need to sell mine first.

i hope everyone here has a great 4th of July.
Probably mainly working around my house in San Antonio... Not sure if it will happen today, but sometime this weekend I plan to do something wholly American: like drive my Corvette!

And if I'm lucky, I'll be able to put the top down...!

And if I'm really lucky, I'll find a pretty girl to ride along with me...! :thumb
Working... :ugh

Yeah, but you had July 1st off, didn't you...?

Hanging out in Missouri - God has blessed the USA...



Some gave all...

Amen! That reminds me of something else that I now do around the Fourth: watch the movie Gettysburg. I you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It's long, but it's very engaging, supposed to be historically accurate, and well-cast. Frankly, I'm astounded how many of the actors closely resemble the historical figures they're portraying!
Yeah, but you had July 1st off, didn't you...?
It is a federal statutory holiday however I ended up working. While I don't mind the extra money of working on a holiday, I like time off too...

4 July Parade in Santa Barbara CA with two of our cars, the '04 and the '95.

Neighbor kids riding shotgun. Lots of flags and stuff on the cars.

Burgers and margaritas afterwards.

Happy 4th to all

The folks seem to love the patriotic look of our Z16s in a parade! :thumb
I am grateful to be here for this years 4th of July and just as grateful to celebrate America's Birthday.. I Love My Country and served her proudly and would do it again, no regrets what so ever.. :pat

Bud & Nanc Dougherty
Amarillo, TX :pat

Ditto. :thumb

I served our nation with Honor and proudly and I would do it again.

But I did miss my Corvette a lot. ;);)

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