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Both headlights wont pop up on my C5


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2014
Stephens City Va
1998 Jet black coupe
Hello CAC world i have a question just recently i noticed the other day that both my headlights on my C5 wont pop u when i turn them on they worked intermittently that day and just today i thought i would try them out again and they won't raise at all on both sides i don't hear any noise coming from them at all, does anyone know what this could be and where do i start to look for answers , i google searched it and seen it may be a relay or nylon gears are bad, but what's the chance that would happen on both at the same time? could this be a bad column switch ? both my turn signals work on the switch. Thank in advance.
Hello CAC world i have a question just recently i noticed the other day that both my headlights on my C5 wont pop u when i turn them on they worked intermittently that day and just today i thought i would try them out again and they won't raise at all on both sides i don't hear any noise coming from them at all, does anyone know what this could be and where do i start to look for answers , i google searched it and seen it may be a relay or nylon gears are bad, but what's the chance that would happen on both at the same time? could this be a bad column switch ? both my turn signals work on the switch. Thank in advance.
Wow 40 some veiws and no replies what happened to CAC forums there always used to be someone even if it was only one or two to comment, well anyway i noticed my headlights dont even turn on when i turn the switch on so im thinking the switch might be bad but i dont know how to check that personaly, but it seems that could be the issue since both lights wont pop up and they wont light i havent tried the high beam yet i will try that when i get home today, on another note i been trying to find a headlight switch on line and that is seemingly impossible if any one knows where to find one or what the issue might be please reply, thanks in advance
Definitely not the nylon gears, you would hear the motors running. I would concentrate on the switch but I am not sure how to test it. If it was me, I would check the fuse(s) and if they were okay, I would just replace the headlight stalk/switch. I had to replace the wiper/washer switch on my C5 last summer, wasn't too hard.
Definitely not the nylon gears, you would hear the motors running. I would concentrate on the switch but I am not sure how to test it. If it was me, I would check the fuse(s) and if they were okay, I would just replace the headlight stalk/switch. I had to replace the wiper/washer switch on my C5 last summer, wasn't too hard.
Otter thanks for the reply do you know if the headlight fuse controls the parking light and turn signals also, because all of those still work it is just the headlight that wont light up and since both lights wont pop up i figured the switch contatcs may be bad
Otter thanks for the reply do you know if the headlight fuse controls the parking light and turn signals also, because all of those still work it is just the headlight that wont light up and since both lights wont pop up i figured the switch contatcs may be bad
Sounds like the switch to me, not sure what fuse is for the headlights but just pulled fuse 2 over the weekend to keep the DRLs off unless I am using the turn signals or headlights on (tired of replacing the bulbs that don't last cuz of the heat built up in the lenses). Since the cruise control is on the same stalk, does that work? I did a quick search for fuses associated with the headlights and got the below from another forum. I would check the #6 fuse in the footwell panel first. As I've told you before, I am no expert but I seem to fumble my way through most issues eventually.

The main fuses for the stock low and high beam circuits are 8, 9,10 & 12 on the engine fuse block. There's also an obscure fuse on the passenger footwell panel (#6) which often blows and stops the lights working.
Ok i will check these out as for the cruise control im not sure yet i just got the car a few months ago and never tried it out yet i was able to find a used replacement switch and i literally think i bought the last one online i searched for a few hours it was a little pricey at 350 i bought it just in case it was the switch and i didnt want someone else snagging it before i did, if it isnt the switch i can always send it back, but thanks again for the reply and i will look at these fuses :)
Ok i will check these out as for the cruise control im not sure yet i just got the car a few months ago and never tried it out yet i was able to find a used replacement switch and i literally think i bought the last one online i searched for a few hours it was a little pricey at 350 i bought it just in case it was the switch and i didnt want someone else snagging it before i did, if it isnt the switch i can always send it back, but thanks again for the reply and i will look at these fuses :)
Yeah, I looked around for the switch also, a bit more expensive that I expected. Let's hope its that footwell fuse that is causing your issue and it's not a recurring problem. Good luck!!
Yeah, I looked around for the switch also, a bit more expensive that I expected. Let's hope its that footwell fuse that is causing your issue and it's not a recurring problem. Good luck!!
Thank you kindly again for your help i will post an update when i know
Yeah, I looked around for the switch also, a bit more expensive that I expected. Let's hope its that footwell fuse that is causing your issue and it's not a recurring problem. Good luck!!
So I checked the fuses and they are all good I did try the high beam and they worked so everything seems to work on the stick except the low beam light that lifts them and turns them both on.. I'm no mechanic by any means but this sounds like a switch issue or so I hope it is anyway ,I have a mechanic freind going to install it for me next weekend I will let you know how it works out.

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