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How old is the "average" C6 buyer?

What age group are you in?

  • 21-29

    Votes: 24 2.8%
  • 30-39

    Votes: 57 6.7%
  • 40-49

    Votes: 170 19.9%
  • 50-59

    Votes: 327 38.2%
  • 60 and up

    Votes: 277 32.4%

  • Total voters


Active member
Oct 31, 2004
Florida, USA
2005 DSOM
Just wondering....Had the opportunity of seeing some GM "expected" statistics on age and median income and just wondering how close they are. Without giving details, the cost of the car was expected to move the age group "up" but at the same time the attraction was set for 30-40 year-olds with plenty of disposable income (the C6 not being the primary car).

Ooops, should have put 21-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60+ but can't change it!!!:(
RickM said:
Ooops, should have put 21-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60+ but can't change it!!!:(
I fixed it for you. I can't vote though, no C6!
I don't have a C6 like the rest of you old geezers! I qualify for geezerhood myself, but not the C6.


.....You're only as old as you feel....

All I can say is that, OLD is getting Younger all the time!
So I don't have a C6...yet

...but I voted my age group anyway, because I almost bought one, but wasn't willing to pay the "market value mark-up" of $15 grand over MSRP. Maybe next year (would still be in the same age group) when the newness has worn off... and the ZO6/ZO7 is out! :D
Over 60 but working to stay young. After Porsches, BMW's, Mustangs and currently a Honda S2000 I'm about to order my first "vette" I feel like a kid and can't justify it with my back but then you never know how long you have. with my lifestyle and career, retired Air Force fighter pilot I really never thought I would last this long. Wish Chevy had a light blue to match my little cloth covered Citabria acrobatic airplane...... did I mention that I don't want to grow up or old. Take care all and my biggest decision is Victory red or Machine silver, of course that is after I convince my lovely bride of 37 years that we really need this for our sanity. Jack
check6 said:
that is after I convince my lovely bride of 37 years that we really need this for our sanity. Jack
As a fellow AF retiree (and first time "vetter") recommend you find a dealer that will let you test drive one THEN take your wife on it. If she's anything like my wife (of 24), she'll like it as much as you do. One of us HAD to be impractical :cool

Good luck!
My being impractical when it comes to cars is long standing. Actually two weeks ago my wife and I got invited to drive the new vette on a autocrosse style layout. I dorve both the auto and the 6 speed and my wife drove the auto (she can drive standard but doesn't like it) The wanted me to leave the traction contol in the normal mode but other than that they let me throw the car around. I was impressed very nimlbe and well balanced. The stick had far more torque control. The acrobactic airplane is also impractical but what a stress escape. Need to get rid of my '03 Honda S2000 and then order the vette, he says hopefully. By the way what did you do in the Air Force? Take care
The C6 is my 8th Vette. Am planning on getting a C6 Z06 next year.

"Age is simply a number assigned to you at birth." I've been assigned #56.
since i am 70 if you average the age i would raise the average. this is #10 in 45 years
motorman said:
since i am 70 if you average the age i would raise the average. this is #10 in 45 years
Which was is your favorite of all time?
RickM said:
Which was is your favorite of all time?
now it is my new C-6 but it was each year as i had them. every year was a improvement.

Having had so many how did you option out the C 6 ? Thanks Jack
Due to finances there is no way I can afford one , but if I could I would have mine ordered. I am 56. I dissagree old isn't getting younger. 20 yrs ago 50 was old , now 75 is old . ;LOL
And somehow I forgot to grow up.
check6 said:

Having had so many how did you option out the C 6 ? Thanks Jack
3.15 rear gear,lexan top,auto trans,1sb interior group,polished wheels,precision red,red interior
Who the hell, among us is AVERAGE??

Don't make me quote Garrison Keiler!

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