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87 4+3 CLUTCH?


Active member
Mar 21, 2004
long island,ny
1987 red,z52,4+3 coupe
Hey guys,looks like its time to replace my clutch on the 87.My clutch pedal releases high and the car slips pretty bad when you get on the gas at all.

Car has 114,000 miles and the last clutch was done at 40,000 miles.I bought the car with 31,000 miles.
Last time,i had a stock clutch put in.This time im doing all the work myself since i now have a lift in my garage.:D
Im looking to replace it with a better flywheel/clutch this time because i will soon be building a motor for this thing with some power.Its getting up there in miles to do any mods to this motor.
What perf flywheel/clutch do you guys recommend for the 4+3?
What are your opinions on alum flywheels?

BTW,Not looking to replace this 4+3 with a 6-speed.Its perf flawlessly so far for me.
How about the center force clutch kit?anyone with exp?
I also want to replace the master and slave cyl while im doing the clutch.I see the master is listed on summit for $53.
Where is the best place to get the slave cyl?
I've been running a CenterForce on my '88 with a 4+3 and it does a great job.:lou
I have a Centerforce on my 86 and I love it, though it's noisier with the clutch out and in neutral (the throwout bearing rattles, but they actually say that it will so it's a "normal" noise). It's lasted through a number of dragstrip days and a couple track events and my normal leadfooting.

Beware the Chinese-made master cylinders. I had to replace mine, and got one of these cheap pieces of #*(&) because my trusted mechanic couldn't find anything else quickly. We had to replace it twice more before it wouldn't leak. There's still a supply of NOS Delco parts out there if you look around...

Thanks for the replies guys.
I am actually leaning toward a Mcleod aluminum flywheel,dbl disc clutch now.My build is turning into something that should be pretty nasty so i need something that is going to hold up.Centerforce told me thier clutch is good only to 450hp.
The Mcleod setup is rated for 700hp,its not thier strongest clutch but i dint want a hard pedal.They told me this clutch would actually have a softer pedal then the factory clutch and a 700hp rating is more then enough while a 450hp centerforce rating would be about 100-150hp less then what im planning on having.
Anyone have exp or feedback with the Mcleod setups?
Thanks again guys!
Hmm. Centerforce told me 550... which was fine for my buildup. I'm running somewhere around 400 FWHP through it.
The 4+3 will give out before the clutch.
Based on what? Remember, the Callaway Twin-turbo Vettes used stock 4+3's (I think even with the same clutch) and they put out a lot more torque than a stock engine...
Based on what? Remember, the Callaway Twin-turbo Vettes used stock 4+3's (I think even with the same clutch) and they put out a lot more torque than a stock engine...
Which is what I was told by Paul at AutoDyne who built those O/Ds.

I run a McLeod and am not totally thrilled as I find if hard to launch smoothly. Pedal effort is not noticeably different and it never slips; the 335s spin like mad, though. :rotfl

I was told that the OD unit wouldn't handle the abuse which is why they went to the 5 or 6 speed in the middle of the "Challenge Series" in ,I believe 1988.
The 4+3 was never meant to be a permanent solution - it was a quick low-engineering fix to the problem of providing acceleration AND fuel economy, with the added bonus of a great top end. GM wasn't able to complete their 5 or 6 speed transmission without forcing an even longer delay on the new C4 so they went with off-the-shelf hardware and custom software to control it. They always intended to use a 6-speed at some point.

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