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News: Shimkus wishes you a Happy Corvette Day


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Shimkus wishes you a Happy Corvette Day

By Deirdre Shesgreen

WASHINGTON–Mark your calendars for June 30th. That will be “National Corvette Day” if Rep. John Shimkus, R-Collinsville, has his way.

The House this week is scheduled to take up a resolution sponsored by Shimkus declaring this new sports-car day of observance because clearly, we’ve been remiss in honoring America’s first sports car (which, by the way, start at more than $45K).

We’re not sure what kind of car Shimkus drives, but it’s probably not a Corvette. (His aides didn’t return our call for comment on this pressing issue.) These sleek speedy autos used to be built in St. Louis, but no longer. Now they’re made in Kentucky.

Still, the Corvette is about to turn 100 and it’s a “truly a symbol of American pride,” according to Shimkus’ resolution.

Here’s the full text of the bill:


Expressing support for designation of June 30 as `National Corvette Day’.

Whereas the Chevrolet Corvette is America’s first sports car;

Whereas the first production Corvette rolled off a Flint, Michigan, assembly line on June 30, 1953;

Whereas the Corvette is now manufactured in Bowling Green, Kentucky;

Whereas the Corvette is the most widely respected production sports car in United States history;

Whereas the Corvette is truly a symbol of American pride;

Whereas General Motors is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2008; and

Whereas the 30th of June would be an appropriate day to designate as `National Corvette Day’: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the United States House of Representatives supports the designation of a `National Corvette Day’ to honor the Chevrolet Corvette.
FYI, the US House passed this bill yesterday - Thursday.​
FYI, the US House passed this bill yesterday - Thursday.​
Sometimes I get grumpy about politicians wasting time and taxpayer's money but in this case, I'll make an exception. Well done, Rep. Shimkus! :thumb


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