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  1. andrewc4

    Another whats it worth question.

    Bottom line, I agree with vetteboy86.
  2. andrewc4

    Another whats it worth question.

    I just bought a 94 and after looking at what was available at what price locally, I decided even though 12K was about mid price, and NOT a bargain, I bought it anyway. If had 73K miles, (not a small amount of mileage), a manual transmission, (for me non-negotiable, the were much fewer manuals...
  3. andrewc4

    94 Manual Transmission Plugs - Allen ??

    17mm, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks, I'll drop by Sears during lunch. I've already picked up the Red Line MTL, so I'll get it a try for the next 20,000 miles. After reading the forum, I see the Castrol and Red Line both have fans. One question, what's the best way of getting the new...
  4. andrewc4

    94 Manual Transmission Plugs - Allen ??

    So I guess it would be best to get a set of Craftsman metric allen 'sockets', doesn't sound like fun if they're in too tight.
  5. andrewc4

    94 Manual Transmission Plugs - Allen ??

    I thought I was going to put Red Line MTL in today, and when I got the car up on the ramps, and looked at the drain and fill plugs in the six speed, I found that the plugs might require large Allen sockets. Do they require Allen sockets, does anyone know what size?
  6. andrewc4

    Daily Driver - How many miles.

    Thanks everyone, I look forward to a lot of mileage.
  7. andrewc4

    Coil Upgrade

    It looks like I'm running an original coil with MSD 8.5 wires. Have no idea how old the plugs are, (of course the car was bought recently). The wires look fairly new based upon how dirty they are. I'm going to change the plugs because I don't want them 'welding' to the head, although there is...
  8. andrewc4

    Daily Driver - How many miles.

    I've got a C4 daily driver. I drive it eighty two miles a day, at least, round trip to work, that's 410 miles a week or 19,270 miles a year. I bought the car at 73,000 miles and if I don't get laid off, expect to bring the mileage up to 150,000 miles in four years, and this is counting only...
  9. andrewc4

    Throttle Body Bypass

    Initial very limited testing did show a slight increase in fluid temperature by 3 or 4 degrees, but I was thinking that a longer drive might have driven the temperature down. Tonight I'm going to drive five miles and look for leaks. If the throttle body was hotter to the touch before the bypass...
  10. andrewc4

    Please recommend Ramp Manufacturer

    I need to buy a set of ramps. My wife says, you're getting under the car, (this is after hearing me say for 20 years, I HATE getting under cars), so get the best ones made. I've seen Rhinos that look a thin for the C4 tires and I'm not sure if they are long enough for the low leading edge of...
  11. andrewc4

    Throttle Body Bypass

    I decided to bypass the coolant line through the throttle body, as I was replacing the water pump, this was the time to do it. (I live in SOUTH Florida, you've got to wait for a cold night in January/February to see temparatures below 50 degrees). The heater T connection was replaced by a...
  12. andrewc4

    Need Referral for Body Work

    very good idea - thanks
  13. andrewc4

    What is proper water pump cleaning and opti-spark cleaning.

    Could you give me details about the plug and hose to protect the opti-spark from a leak? I'm replacing the water pump this week, and the coolant dripped onto the belt which sprayed the engine compartment in the plane the belt spun in
  14. andrewc4

    Need Referral for Body Work

    Thanks, I've gone to a local car show and met the owner of a body shop who had a really beautiful 67 big block at the show, amazing car, in amazing condition, factory air. He specializes in selling and servicing domestic and foreign sports cars. He'll remove, repair and repaint the front bumper...
  15. andrewc4

    I've Done the Unspeakable with the Grand Sport!!

    All Corvettes are red, (in spirit), they just look like they're differrent colors.
  16. andrewc4

    Need Referral for Body Work

    I own a 1994 Coupe, a daily driver. The body was in almost perfect condition, Metallic Green. Evidently, someone threw a rock into the parking garage at my job and damaged the Front Bumper Fascia, the paint is flaked and broken off, and the Fascia is no longer flat. The damage is almost three...
  17. andrewc4

    Weatherstriping Opinions

    Thanks very much for all the opinions.
  18. andrewc4

    Weatherstriping Opinions

    Can I get some opinions on OEM vendors for weather stripping. Currently I'm looking at Corvette Central for the front windshield and doors. I'm looking for ability to seal properly and retain the value of the car.
  19. andrewc4

    Center Console Cover

    Thanks for the replies, I'm going to try glueing and see what happens.
  20. andrewc4

    Standard Transmission Clicking Sound

    When I in a parking lot, rolling in first gear, I hear a click from the transmission when I step on the gas, and a click when I pick my foot off the gas. This is without touching the clutch of shift knob. Is this going to be a problem or is this a common sound? I haven't noticed it till know...
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