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  1. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    OK, without further delay... This lovely lady may spark a few memories from this group! This is how she looks today!
  2. BigJimZ16

    Harmonic Balancer Replacement

    Not sure, but my guess is to access the ring gear to be able to lock the engine to torque the retaining hardware.
  3. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    Looks like a young Angie Dickenson to me... :thumb
  4. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    Damn you're good! Lilli Luxe it is! One HOT woman!! Your turn in the barrel!
  5. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    OK guys, true to form, here is our next "Guess Who"... I kind of into the old pin up girl thing...
  6. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    He is OBVIOUSLY Freddie Mercury and she is Monica Bellucci!
  7. BigJimZ16

    Rocking Seat on 12 GS

    I hadn't heard of any "rocking seat" issues with C6s... only C5s as far as I know!
  8. BigJimZ16

    2014 Birthday Bash

    :w:w:w So, who all is going to the Bash this weekend in Bowling Green. We should be in around noon on Thursday. Let's try to get together for some face time if possible, maybe break bread or tip a few!!! :beer PM me for a cell number.
  9. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    I PM'd LT4man at 10:26am with the answer... And yes, she is!! :chuckle
  10. BigJimZ16

    Grand Sport Finally Got the Grand Sport out of hibernation

    Finally nice enough to get the Grand Sport out of hiding and get ready for spring! Looks like I picked up a nail in my brand new Pilot Super Sport on the right rear last fall, pressure down to 14psi :mad Need to get both cars emission tested before the 14th so I can re-new the plates. Think I'll...
  11. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    Well, that would seem to leave Otter, Husker, Bud , and Roger as the only other ones that participate in our little game that don't know... :chuckle
  12. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    I know, but I'm not telling... :chuckle
  13. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

  14. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    We're pretty good at this, aren't we... Yup, Pat Benatar it is Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
  15. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    No sir, Not Toni Tennile... :L
  16. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    Sorry Bud, not even close... :chuckle
  17. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    OK guys, I'm not so sure that I didn't use this young lady's picture on the old thread. That being said, what the hell... we'll see who was paying attention!!
  18. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    How about Hugh Brannum, formerly known as Mr. Green Jeans...
  19. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    :beer You are absolutely right! Just what I could use right about now, the beach, a warm breeze, and a cold cocktail!!
  20. BigJimZ16

    Who am I??

    OK, without further delay (on my part), here's the next mystery person...
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