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Rocking Seat on 12 GS


New member
May 19, 2014
Venice Florida
12 Grand Sport
Hello All, I am new to this site, I have been searching here and elsewhere for a TSB regarding the rocking seat issue, I found one for C5 but none for C6. Anyone out there have any information or experience regarding the rocking seat?
Well first off, welcome to the :CAC

Sorry I can't help you. I have no rockers.
I hadn't heard of any "rocking seat" issues with C6s... only C5s as far as I know!

I had the GS at the local GM dealer today, they ordered new seat rail adjuster under warranty no questions asked. I have no idea if mine is an isolated part failure or if there are others out there with the same issue. Part will be in next week.

I had the GS at the local GM dealer today, they ordered new seat rail adjuster under warranty no questions asked. I have no idea if mine is an isolated part failure or if there are others out there with the same issue. Part will be in next week.

I thought there was a seat improvement of some sort after many complaints about the "cheapness" of the installed seats on a car as expensive as a Corvette. I thought the "improved" seats went in by model year 2011 or 2012. Not sure if the improvements were with just the appearance of the leather or if they went deeper, as in the support structure. Maybe someone here has more details. My 2013 GS's seats seem fine to me, except for the shitty lateral support, certainly not befitting a car capable of 1g turns.
Unfortunately I can not give you the actual tsb, but it is avaiable to your dealer. It is covered under warranty. I had my seat rails replaced last year this time. I have noticed that 3,000 miles and 11 months later it is again starting to rock.

It is a nylon washer in the seat rail that crushes/loses integrity. There is a thread somewhere that google likely can find for you on how to take it apart and replace this washer with an appropriate sized metal washer.

Good Luck.
My 2012 GS is currently (9/25/14) at the dealer for this same problem. It started at approx. 5k miles and is getting worse as the miles increase (not at 12k). The driver's seat rocks every time I come to a stop and also when I start back up again. It is the same problem that I had with my C5, although I don't know if the solution is the same (replace the plastic sliders with metal), because I have not seen it discussed here. I'll update the forum when I get the car back from the dealer. Nobody has complained about the passenger seat in the GS yet, but the C5 had problems with both seats.
GM's inability to correct the rocking chair seat issue through 2 entire generations of Vettes is mind boggling. Seems the G.A.S. factor is missing.

Dealer response to the rocking seat on my '12 GS was "TADI" (They All Do It). No resolution at all and the answer to me by the dealer was both in-appropriate and insulting!

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