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Who am I??

Pamela Anderson

A new one for everyone:

Who Am I 3-14-14.jpg

Roger, good guess. But, no.

One hint: The lady today does not look like she did in this picture. At least in my opinion.

If she did, what would be the point of this exercise?

Martha Stewart (she still looks good for her age) :thumb
You are correct!

What's your secret?

Nah, don't tell us. Keeps it more interesting that way.

Your turn!

You are correct!

What's your secret?

Nah, don't tell us. Keeps it more interesting that way.

Your turn!


Maybe that I used that exact same Martha Stewart picture on the old thread???? :chuckle
Here is a new Mystery Lady:


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That fine looking woman is Sheryl Lee.

You are correct. If you are gonna use your "trick", at least make it look hard. ;)

Who killed Laura Palmer???


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OK, without further delay (on my part), here's the next mystery person...

OH, let's see...................Jimmy Buffet. :)


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OH, let's see...................Jimmy Buffet. :)

:beer You are absolutely right! Just what I could use right about now, the beach, a warm breeze, and a cold cocktail!!
Clue: his first name was Tom...


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LeRoy Jethro Gibbs :D

Oh yea aka:
Mark Harmon (Thomas Mark Harmon) :thumb

You got it Bud!!!! your turn to test us. :L
Thank You, Thank You... it has been a while since I have felt the thrill of victory :D :thumb :chuckle ...

No tricks here just good ole (old) brain matter :D

Here ya go..

Not all that hard, should take an hour or two ;LOL :chuckle



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