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  1. rrubel

    better front spoiler

    You're welcome to come look at it... I'll be around most evenings this week. [RICHR]
  2. rrubel

    Going to start working on my C4 soon

    Edmond, guide plates are dirt cheap. $12-$15 per SET. [RICHR]
  3. rrubel

    PROMinator group purchase on another forum

    Yeah, it's not really a scanner... it lets you create your own MEMCAL without needing a burner or dealing with burning chips. With the Pro version, you can actually change the tables WHILE the engine is running. Cool! [RICHR]
  4. rrubel

    Going to start working on my C4 soon

    Edmond, I think I've seen it at Summit for less, but I can't remember. I bought mine from one of the Vette fora. If you don't have guide plates and want them, buy them. They're cheap, and you just need to put them on under the rocker studs. You may need to adjust them after the pushrods are...
  5. rrubel

    PROMinator group purchase on another forum

    Mods, feel free to delete or move this if it's inappropriate. Bill and Ken, the guys who build/market the PROMinator MEMCAL replacement system, are doing a group purchase on thirdgen.org. $50 off the Pro version ($225 vice $275); the standard version is not currently available. Prominator...
  6. rrubel

    better front spoiler

    That MAD one is what I have that I was complaining about. Avoid like the plague! [RICHR]
  7. rrubel

    Going to start working on my C4 soon

    Flow-Kooler. www.flowkooler.com. If you buy the complete FelPro engine gasket set, you'll get gaskets for the oil filter adapter (and cooler if you have one). [RICHR]
  8. rrubel

    Brakes rotors on 86 & 95

    Actually, since the 86 has (had) 16" wheels, the bigger brakes won't fit unless you change rims to 17". [RICHR]
  9. rrubel

    better front spoiler

    Tigmaned, I've got a Big Mouth sitting here waiting for installation if you want to look at one off the car... FWIW, there's a three-piece spoiler set with the brake air ducts. I have it (Mid-america) and would NEVER buy it again. 1. The "ducts" are huge pieces of corregated plastic pipe...
  10. rrubel

    Anyone have a scanner

    Hey, Mic... how'd you run on Sunday? Vetteboy86, you don't need a powerful machine to burn eeproms... they're small (64k, I think) and the burners are slow anyway. A co-worker burns his own for robotic controllers using a desktop P-133... [RICHR]
  11. rrubel

    Anyone have a scanner

    It's not the burning part that's difficult, but knowing how to adjust the parameters. I'm starting to get into it myself right now; planning to buy a Prominator so that I don't need to burn anything. http://www.speedtronics.net/aboutprominator.asp Also, for some info, try here...
  12. rrubel

    I guess my back is against the wall....

    The coolant will flow into and out of the tank, but the TANK is not under a vacuum or anything. There's a hole in the top of the cap on the expansion tank to let air in and out... I'm tired and may not have given a good explanation, but how I understand it is that the coolant gets sucked into...
  13. rrubel

    Anyone have a scanner

    Vetteboy, there's a LOT more to burning chips than just the hardware. For that, btw, you need a prom burner, software like TunerCat or TunerPro that lets you adjust the tables, and something like WinALDL and a cable that will let you monitor the engine to see how it's doing. However, there...
  14. rrubel

    I guess my back is against the wall....

    Could also be air bubbles in the radiator that are working their way out of the engine. Mine did that after the rebuild for a couple days. There's a sensor in the radiator right above where the overflow tank comes in; that's also supposedly problematic in 86's. FWIW, coolant will only move...
  15. rrubel

    Anyone have a scanner

    I got my cable here: http://www.geocities.com/steve3034/cables.html The software is free, though the author takes donations. I gave him some $$ but never even got a thank-you, so I'm not sure I'd bother if I were you. Cheap Pentium laptop is fine - WinALDL works under Win95. [RICHR]
  16. rrubel

    So what does that tube do????

    That's the EGR intake pipe. There's a passage in the manifold for the gasses coming from the exhaust; there's a solenoid that controls whether the gasses are allowed into the incoming air. The sensor on top is a temp sensor. From a tuning article on the LT1, so physical objects are different...
  17. rrubel

    Anyone have a scanner

    If you've got a laptop and don't mind a minor bit of soldering, I can loan you my ALDL cable. Then you download WinALDL and have fun. You do need to add a DB9 connector to the back of the ALDL port (hence the soldering) which is just a matter of cutting and splicing some wires. The solder is...
  18. rrubel

    MAT sensor

    Vetteboy86, the TB bypass setup consists of a hose repair kit from Home Depot for about $3. Two clamps and a brass male-male connector. Pull the two hoses off the throttle body and connect them together. 15 mins work... I may even have an extra one here (my mechanic changed it for a real...
  19. rrubel

    I guess my back is against the wall....

    I'm sure someone will correct me, but I thought the advantage of going to a larger injector was being able to LOWER the fuel pressure, thus giving a longer service life. Larger injector, higher pressure, seems contradictory. I have to bump the pressure on my smaller ones to keep pace with the...
  20. rrubel

    save a buck on parts

    I think he means "rockauto.com". I've bought there in years past but had forgotten about them. [RICHR]
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