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  1. 96corvetteLT4

    to those who have own Borla LT1 mufflers: a question

    I too have the Borlas on my LT4, and there is the dreaded resonance at cruise. I am wondering about what it would sound like if I remove the resonator. I would like it a little louder outside, the Borlas are too quiet at lower rpms. If I can do it without it getting louder inside.
  2. 96corvetteLT4


    Mirror Compass.. My 2000 Chevy truck has one built into the rear view mirror from the factory. You could probably get one from a salvage yard and install it easily. If the glass is the same shape, you may be able to fit it into the stock housing so you retain the map lights and the little...
  3. 96corvetteLT4

    brake bias spring, DRM

    I have considered this mod for some time. Sounds easy enough to do and will give the opportunity to replace the brake fluid with fresh stuff.
  4. 96corvetteLT4

    Dash Pad Care

    I have a question about dash pad care. The problem I have is that the edge of the pad around the windshield vents in the center is starting to curl upward. Is there a way that I can get it back straight like it should be, or at least stop it from curling further? I have read here about using...
  5. 96corvetteLT4

    Min thickness fore facing rotors

    If they are stock rotors, it should be stamped or cast into the rotor somewhere what min thickness is. Most auto supplies that turn rotors will also look it up before they turn them for you.
  6. 96corvetteLT4

    Climate control buttons

    Mine are the same way. Some times they work properly, most of the time not. When I asked about it, the replies I got were that the unit probably needed to be removed, taken apart, and clean the contacts. It may need to just be replaced but to start with cleaning it. I have not been...
  7. 96corvetteLT4

    Is new Exhaust worth the money

    Thanks for the info. I may try straight pipes from the resonator back since it is pretty cheap. I am also considering getting some pipe and extending the existing tips about 3-4 inches to see if that has any effect. Both fairly cheap trial-and-error projects.
  8. 96corvetteLT4

    Is new Exhaust worth the money

    When running straight pipes in place of the mufflers, does that eliminate the resonance when cruising under 2k rpm in high gear? I have Borla mufflers and they sound good, but resonance kills any chance of having a conversation cruising on the highway.
  9. 96corvetteLT4

    LT4 Hello from a new LT4 owner

    Welcome Krash! I too recently purchased an LT4 and enjoy it every time I drive it. There are two Corvette clubs in the area that I know of. One is Lone Star Corvettes out of Plano - their activities span the metroplex, and Cowtown Corvettes out of Fort Worth. Both have websites, so check...
  10. 96corvetteLT4

    No Backup Lights

    Bueller, Bueller, anybody? Any help on this one?
  11. 96corvetteLT4

    Water standing around hatch

    Well, my solution this weekend was to use my hand vacuum pump. It has a container for when you use it to bleed brakes. Just attached it, a long hose, and sucked it out quick and easy.
  12. 96corvetteLT4

    No Backup Lights

    I tested with the key on, trans in reverse, engine off. I have checked bulbs, fuse in box on pass side of dash, and transmission connector. I did not unplug the trans connector because it is too diffuclt to reach, but it is fully seated. There are two connectors on the driver's side of the...
  13. 96corvetteLT4

    model display cases

    I have about 25 cars so far and my wife was complaining about them taking space under the bed, in the closet, etc. all in the boxes. She found a TV stand that is about 6ft long and 24" wide, and 3ft tall with clear glass sliding doors. I tossed the wood shelves that came with it and installed...
  14. 96corvetteLT4

    Water standing around hatch

    Doesn't an 80 mph trip around the block work the same as a leaf blower?
  15. 96corvetteLT4

    Water standing around hatch

    When I wash my car, I have water that is not draining away from the hatch area on the driver's side corner, next to the door. There is a small amount in the same area on the pass side. Is there a drain hole on the sides of the hatch that may be plugged up? I have looked around a bit, but have...
  16. 96corvetteLT4

    1992 Rear Wiggle

    Yes. With the car jacked up enough to raise the tire off the ground, I could grab the wheel and move it left to right, just like checking tie rod ends on the front tires. Had a helper do it while I looked from under the car, and you could easily see the movement in the tie rod end.
  17. 96corvetteLT4

    1992 Rear Wiggle

    I finally replaced the left rear tie rod end last night. I was anticipating having to drive the tie rod out of the spindle like you have to for the front. When I removed the cotter pin and loosened the nut, a light tap from a hammer popped it out. Took very little time to do. I made sure the...
  18. 96corvetteLT4

    Remanufactured 6 speed?

    The trans works fine, just curious if the trans had been replaced by the dealer. I will take the VIN to the dealer and find out how much info they have on the car.
  19. 96corvetteLT4

    1992 Rear Wiggle

    I have a similar problem on my '96. When you get on the gas hard while cruising above 40 mph, it shifts to the right. When you let off the gas quickly, it shifts to the left. Problem is the left side tie rod end used to adjust toe. Replacement part is on order so it will soon be resolved.
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