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1100WHP C3 Corvette with Supra 2JZ Engine – Video



Well this is original I guess. At least I can't argue with 1100WHP.

From the article:
If there’s anything that can serve as a cover for professional haters, be they keyboard warriors or actual drivers, the purist suit has to be it.

Claim you’re one of the purists and your rage against anything that’s “unorthodox” will suddenly be backed by an irrefutable argument.

Photos and video - 1100WHP C3 Corvette with Supra 2JZ Engine

Shows what a good plattform a C3 can be.. :L

Hey, whatever floats his boat.. Looks impressive going down the quarter.. :thumb
It's different, that's for sure. It's an example of using what you have.

I'm not familiar with the Supra 2JZ engine but, from what the article says, there doesn't seem to be a weight advantage... so I'm not sure why they would pick that over a GM engine similarly balanced/blueprinted/turbo charged... Meh... as long as they're having fun!


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