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1953 #198


Gone but not forgotten
Jun 23, 2004
Mississippi Gulf Coast
2003 AE Convertible, 1998 LCRM Convertible
Thanks to a little good karma, I was fortunate to literally stumble across this 1953 on a business trip to Jackson MS on Friday. I say good karma because I missed my exit off the interstate and when I took the next exit to double back, I was greeted by this business sign overhead:


I continued on to my appointment but made a mental note to return to the dealership for photos of the sign and to inquire about a Midyear model I saw on the lot.

When I returned, I met Scott Slay, the son of the owner listed in the CAC 1953 Registry: Corvette Action Center | Model Center | C1 | 1953 | 1953 Corvette Registry

CAC | 1953 Registry | Profile | #198

I introduced myself and we talked about the Midyear, Corvettes and the CAC. Then I asked if the Vette I could see through the window was a '53 and may I see it. You can't imagine my excitement to finally be up close and personal with a true '53! I've seen replicas and one on display in the Museum, but being able to do a walk-around and lean in the window for a closer look was a first!

I asked Scott if it would be alright for me to take pix and write about it here and he answered yes to both questions.

Here are a few of the pix I took:





I have to take a moment to thank Scott for his time and answers to my questions. He was a gracious host and it was a pleasure meeting him.

All in all, the trip was a resounding success! My reason for the trip came to a better than expected conclusion and the sidetrip turned out to be my own little piece of Corvette HEAVEN!

The only thing that would have made it better would have been if I'd drove away the new owner of my long dreamed about Midyear... but that will have to wait until another day.

Thanks for reading my story.
:wJane Ann
Great story Jane Ann. Nice photos. I take it Scott was not offering it for sale?
Thanks for taking the time to post this.

Great story Jane Ann. There are tails about a 53 in a collection about 75 miles from me. One of these days, I'm going to drive out to see if I can verify it's existence.

BTW, tell us about the mid-year..........
Must have been real exciting to see # 158 with 31,000 unrestored miles on her. The interior shot with one of the hood release handle under the right side dash tells of one of the differences between a 53 and a 54. Thanks for the great pictures.

I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. :L

My impression from the conversation was it's not For Sale at the moment, but if the right offer came along - who knows.

Something Scott pointed out that I was only slightly aware of was the flaws obvious in the finish. On close inspection you could see evidence of the underlying cloth within the fiberglass. He even pointed out a body seam I could not UN-notice once he showed it to me. But the flaws only made it more real and I could understand the appeal of limited restoration of the '53's rather than overdone.

At the risk of sounding silly, the feeling of being in the presence of some holy relic on sacred ground was undeniable.

Tom - here's a link to my thread about the dealership, the sign and the Midyear: http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com...e-lounge/124176-corvette-sign-jackson-ms.html

Glad you've enjoyed the story and the photos.
Hopefully, I'll return to the shop again in the not too distant future with another good friend in tow (I think she'd get a kick out of seeing it as well) and I'll post more then.

:wJane Ann
I hope you get too ride in or drive one someday. They are a real treat and oh so different from what we are used to today.

I hope you get too ride in or drive one someday. They are a real treat and oh so different from what we are used to today.

From your lips to God's ear, Tom.
I wouldn't be able to wipe the grin off my face for a week. :L
If you have never driven a 53 or 54 or even a 55 Corvette and you get a chance to then do it. They are different then any other Corvette ever made. I have driven my brother in laws 53 and drove my 54 Corvette all over the place for years and even would take the 53 and 54 out together and yes we did get a lot of looks and thumbs up. Hell 99.99% of the people didn't know the difference in the two cars anyway. But we had fun doing it. Driving them down the interstate together was a hoot. People would pull up along side of each of us and just look then pull up the the next one and do the same thing, give us the thumbs up and away they would go. I do miss mine, but I am looking for another 54 project car. Anyway good luck and I hope you get to drive or at least ride in one.

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