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1954 Carrera Panamericana


Dec 1, 2003
1971 COUPE
Do any of the Solid axle experts have any info regarding the 1954 Corvette raced in the Carrera Panamericana by Bill Von Esser from Chicago? I know that it wore wire wheels and lettering advertising Von Esser's Speed Shop. It is supposed to be the first time a Corvette was raced, and even though it was a DNF due to a thrown rod it's still historically significant. All that I can find online is the info I've posted and the photo seen here: http://autoaficionado.net/issue/0204-30.html

Are there other photos out there? Is it known what other modifications were made to the car other than adding wire wheels and removing the grill? What happened to the car after the race?
Welcome to the :CAC

I can only share the following links that provide some additional information.



Youtube video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRCsnm5GaJA

Pink Floyd's music was used in a film about the race - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6iCt21KP2I
Check out the old race cars (including Corvettes).

Race results - http://www.teamdan.com/archive/wsc/1954/54carrer.html

Apparently, in the five races that were held in the 1950s, 27 people died.

We had a thread some time back about the Cadillac that competed that same year.


That Pink Floyd video with multiple early solid axle racecars is great.

It is sounding like this one has dissapeared, at least from the Corvette community. If it still exists, the current owner may have no knowledge of its history and potential value.
Some great stuff there. About half way through the video is a 2-tone green 1953 Olds just like the one I learned to drive in and drove through high school. Thanks Bob. You made my day.:)
Here are the 2 photos that I've been able to find.


Dayton apparrently sold a few sets of wires for vettes. Here's a brochure from their site.
That was a good read. I can see why well funded individuals like to spend their $$ on vintage racing. It looks like alot of fun.

I've been told that Mr. Von Esser drove the 54 from Chicago to Mexico to race it. If that's the case, what's a guy do when he finds himself 1000+ miles from home with a blown engine and no support vehicle? I wonder if he sold the car in Mexico? or had it hauled back to IL? I've read that some of the cars that crashed in those early road races were stripped of parts by locals before help could arrive. I wonder whether this vette met such a fate?
Do any of the Solid axle experts have any info regarding the 1954 Corvette raced in the Carrera Panamericana by Bill Von Esser from Chicago? I know that it wore wire wheels and lettering advertising Von Esser's Speed Shop. It is supposed to be the first time a Corvette was raced, and even though it was a DNF due to a thrown rod it's still historically significant. All that I can find online is the info I've posted and the photo seen here: autoaficionado.net -

Are there other photos out there? Is it known what other modifications were made to the car other than adding wire wheels and removing the grill? What happened to the car after the race?

Maybe it's the '54 seen elsewhere in this forum, stuffed into a shed in Ecuador or someplace like that.
Do any of the Solid axle experts have any info regarding the 1954 Corvette raced in the Carrera Panamericana by Bill Von Esser from Chicago? I know that it wore wire wheels and lettering advertising Von Esser's Speed Shop. It is supposed to be the first time a Corvette was raced, and even though it was a DNF due to a thrown rod it's still historically significant. All that I can find online is the info I've posted and the photo seen here: AutoAficionado.net - Vol 2 Issue 4 - CORVETTE RACING

Are there other photos out there? Is it known what other modifications were made to the car other than adding wire wheels and removing the grill? What happened to the car after the race?

It is NOT the first time a Corvette was raced; that "dubious honor" may be assigned to a gentleman in Minnesota who apparently ran his 1953 in a race on ICE for the Saint Paul Winter Carnival in Jan/Feb '54.
It is NOT the first time a Corvette was raced; that "dubious honor" may be assigned to a gentleman in Minnesota who apparently ran his 1953 in a race on ICE for the Saint Paul Winter Carnival in Jan/Feb '54.
Since my original post back in October, I ran across a few 53s that were raced. While not the earliest Corvette to be raced, I believe the 54 Von Esser Corvette does hold the distinction of being the first Corvette entered in international competition.

I have dug up quite a few interesting details in the past few months that I hope can be verified, and eventually lead to a write up of some type. It may be a while though as I am getting very busy and haven't had the time to devote to these little side projects that I would like.

Is there an article somewhere on the ice racing 53? Sounds interesting.
Maybe it's the '54 seen elsewhere in this forum, stuffed into a shed in Ecuador or someplace like that.

I'd be willing to bet that it was towed back to Mich. and IF not stripped by locals, is somewhere here or in another owners group. I lost track of my 1959 roadster, I tried back in the nineties to re-locate it, but to no responce. The early Corvette racing is very interesting once you get to read about it. I read in Corvette enthusiast magazine about a restoration of an early corvette and the discovery that the car being restored was a race car as they were stripping the paint. Up to that moment they(the Owner) had no idea his car had been raced in the past? Nothing better than having a Vette with history. . .

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