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1954 Motorama Corvette

  • Thread starter Thread starter brce@corvette-specialties
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Has anyone out there got any documentaion about #260 being built without paint and going to the 1954 motorama , or any other documentation on this rare corvette. if anyone has any questions about the 1954 motorama corvette hardtop dream car heres your chance i will try to answer all of them as time permits. i have owned this car for the last 36 years approx. and have documented it back to the original bill of sale from gm canada to the first owner . thanks in advance for any info available. sincerly Motoram Bruce
Thanks for sharing the information on your car. :w
Since you were able to obtain all the previous owner information, what do you have written down that shows the earliest color on the documentation. That alone would be interesting and then the various color changes through the owners.
Hope you find who Arnie is.
Good luck in your search.
the color has always been burnt red /copper candy . the original color was the same and this color was the first color on the car. it has never had any white or any other color as the original base coat . there is still alot of original paint on it. thanks for the interest. motorama bruce
When you click on some of the photos you get a lot of linked garbage including some porno sites. You might want to block comments to the individual pictures. When the picture comes up in the browser scroll down to the bottom and look at the comments/links.
Okay, here's MY question.....

....and to answer it will be tough!!!

You have the history of the car to when it was first sold by GM. How did it get decided to be sold in Canada, or did a Canadian approach GM about it being sold or what? How was it decided that it would be sold, how, and when? I would love to hear the history of the first owners journey of becoming its original owner. Last, and hardest, did this original owner know anything about the OTHER motorama cars from that year, the Nomad and Corvair? If they were around then did they know any history of these other cars and perhaps their demise?

I remember talking to a man years ago (like in the early 80's) who lived in either Washington State or Oregon in the 50's and 60's who was big in Corvettes back then. He said he remembered someone having the original Nomad car back then, but he had no more details, I wonder if this was 'pipe dreaming' or if there were any truth to his recollections.
I am in the middle of deleting all of the comments . thanks for the imput .
Amazing luck to have a piece of history in your hands! How is the restoration coming together?

The 1954 motorama web site has been restored with no more comments from perverted people. go to stories from the past and read the new one , how i obtained the first registration. 1954motoramacorvette.com - Home thanks motorama bruce

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