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Question: 1959 painted white with red coves?


New member
May 20, 2010
Waterford, MI
1993 Corvette 40th Anniverary
In the past week I've see two 1959 corvettes painted white with red coves. Researching how many we're built with this color scheme, it seems that they weren't painted that way from the factory. Just wondering if they were original or not.
2931 corvettes were ordered with the 2 tone scheme out of 9670 total cars made.

So chances are they aren't original. They do look good so I'm sure lots of owners have them sprayed to their taste. Just like there are lots of 62's with painted coves even though none left the factory that way.
Cove color was standard in body color. Optional cove colors were Inca Silver and Snowcrest White. Anything else was custom applied after the car left the factory to an owner's taste. I've seen the white/red, red/black and others that look like they should have been offered by the factory but they weren't.

No.Same as 59 on 58-61.

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