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Help! 1960 Convertible Value


New member
May 14, 2010

I'm trying to get a value on a 1960 convertible. The body is together and it has an engine and transmission. The interior and trim have been removed but are available. This is a vehicle in need of major restoration.

Also, there is a typo in the VIN from the original title. Where is the VIN located on this vehicle?

Any help you can give would be appreciated.

Thank you!
Looks really, really grim. Not for the feint of heart. :ohnoes JM.02

Vin plate is spot welded to the steering column under the hood. (I think.)

Start at 4K. (So you can part it out if you have to.)
Vin plate is spot welded to the steering column under the hood. (I think.)

Start at 4K. (So you can part it out if you have to.)

The Vin tag is attached to the drivers door jamb with screws until approx. car #1500, then it was moved to the steering column and spot welded.

As far as value, depends on what is included/missing. That thing needs A LOT of work. If you can get it very cheap AND if you have the skills to do everything yourself, including bodywork and paint, you may not get buried too deep but if you have to pay to have any work done, walk away.


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