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1962 Corvette carb


New member
Jul 6, 2013
1962 Corvette
I have a 1962 Corvette recently had carb re-built. Installed carb and also replaced gas filter and drained old gas and replaced with new. Engine starts up when I pour gas into the carb but as soon as that gas in burned up the engine stops. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
Welcome to the Corvette Action Center. I'm going to move your post into the C1/C2 forum for greater exposure.

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I have a 1962 Corvette recently had carb re-built. Installed carb and also replaced gas filter and drained old gas and replaced with new. Engine starts up when I pour gas into the carb but as soon as that gas in burned up the engine stops. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
Have you checked your fuel pump?

I'm with Mac on this...
Test your fuel supply system.

Look for restricted filter sock at the end of the pick-up in the tank
Crushed or otherwise restricted fuel pipes or hoses.
Failed fuel pump.
Camshaft with a failed fuel pump lobe.
Carburetor with a damaged or restricted inlet
Carburetor with a faulty needle and seat.
Carburetor with a stuck, faulty or incorrectly adjusted float(s)
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Ok wait a sec....

If you had the carb rebuilt what was the reason?
....car would run but not idle or has the car been sitting for a LONG time ?
If the car runs with you manually adding fuel... Well then it's behind the filter....
I ASSUME the car is stock and not a restro mod....

I would disconnect the line out of the pump...behind the filter gat a hose on it, grab a mason jar , coke bottle some small container and see when you crank it
if fuel comes out...

If your fuel pump is semi original, the rubber in there doesn't deal well with today's fuel formulations..
Take a look at your oil level and smell the dip stick.. does it SMELL like fuel.. is the oil level high?

When the diaphram in the pump leaks... gas can get into the oil pan, diluting the oil... Not so good!

If that all seems OK, ( no fuel in oil, but no gas coming out of the pump ) ...
Rig an aux fuel supply going into the pump... does it pump now?
If not, replace the pump..

This all assumes you have proper facilities and KNOW how to turn a wrench PLUS work with exposed fuel and fuel vapors.

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Welcome to Corvette Action Center

I have a 1962 Corvette recently had carb re-built. Installed carb and also replaced gas filter and drained old gas and replaced with new. Engine starts up when I pour gas into the carb but as soon as that gas in burned up the engine stops. ANY SUGGESTIONS?

Well at least let me welcome you to the group :grouphug: I am sure there are more qualifed people than I to solve your fuel/starting problem but appears it is not getting fuel for some reason, fuel pump, clapsed line, blockage of some sort. simple things like this can drive you :crazyIs there a pick up screen in the tank; another fuel filter located along the frame ;shrug Stay after it you will get it figured out through the process of elimination. But what I would give for a 1962, what a classic, sure would like to see pictures if and when you get time.

-Bill :w
Lots of good advice already on this topic so let me just say welcome to the CAC.


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