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1963 Resto-Mod


New member
Mar 19, 2011
pea ridge, ar
1963 Corvette Convertible
I'm starting a resto-mod on a barn find 1963 Convertible. I want to replace the carpet, but would rather use a molded carpet like the 67 models instead of the 18 piece set for the 1963. Will the 1967 carpet fit a 1963 without much trouble? I'll probably line the floor pan with aluminum backed Dynamat. Who sells the best carpet sets?
Huff, welcome to CAC. It's been a while since I've had any contact with the C2's, but I would think that the later carpet sets would work. I was very impressed with the MidAmericaMotorworks carpet sets I saw being manufactured last summer when we had CruiseFest on their campus.

Check into their work.

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