John Z: it is great to work will clean parts as you well know. The hard part is getting them cleaned repaired and painted. I am sure that you have been there before with all your restoration work. Thanks for all your help!
First Gear: This is my third restoration project. My first was a 65 roadster and the second was a 61 270HP. It does get easier after a few restorations, but it seems like every one has a different set of problems to be solved. You learn something every day.
EB Vette: The space makes a great difference. The new addition allows me storage space and a clean area for parts and the other Vette. The biggest help is the two post lift. You can have the car at a comfortable work level. If you are ever in the area you are welcome to try it out.
ZRGator: The 63 is a matching number 340HP SWC. The original color is white with a black interior. I would love to paint it black, but it has been white for over forty years and it will be white again.
Gary: I am having fun on this project. I think I have the barn just about the way I like it and it makes it a pleasure to work in that type of environment.
Barry: I am trying to get the body on the frame as soon as possible. I had to purchase a new frame and plan on body drop prior to straightening the body lines and paint. I painted the bodies of the other two prior to body drop and that allowed me to work on the car during the cold months. MY shop is not set up to paint during the winter months and that will most likely have to wait until spring.
IH2LOSE: As you so well stated, organization is the key to a good restoration. You learn a little after every restoration and try to improve on it for the next project. I keep a log with digital pictures so that every part has an inventory number, picture and rating. My rating process is set up to provide me with information on restoring, replacing, painting or plating of the part. To save money and time on this restoration I ordered all most all my aftermarket parts (interior, exhaust, radiator, exct..) and had them delivered to Carlisle. I now have almost every part needed in inventory and did not have to pay freight charges, it also solves the back order problem. One area that needs improvement is my part tagging system. I used post-it notes in plastic bags with the parts. The oil and dirt and loosing the tags during cleaning and sandblasting has caused me to loose time. If you have any ideas on how to solve this problem please share them.
Thanks to all for the compliments and encouragement!