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1968 Side Louver Trim Option - Confirmation


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Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
I just want to confirm with 1968 owners - the chrome side louver trim option was a 1969 model year ONLY option and NOT available on the 1968. Correct?

The reason I ask is that I see a lot of '68s sold with the "side louver trim option", but I believe, and according to the Black Book, this was only an option on the 1969 model year?
You are correct, but it's pretty easy for an owner to add these to a 68 or a 69. As far as I know the gills on both years are identical. JD
That is affirmative, side louver trim was not an option on 68's...

I agree ,I just sold a used set on ebay and I put in the description that they are 69 only.I thought id get alot of "know it alls" saying:nono but not one.I was impressed.
side pipes

Yes, I also read that the side pipes where a 69 only option.

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