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Help! 1990 Convertible Seat Cover and Foam Replacement

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We are new members and new Vette owners. We recently purchased a 1990 White on White Convertible with a Red Interior. The car is generally in great shape with very low miles. However, the driver's seat is showing its age with cracking and the outside bolster being worn and torn. We have decided to replace both seats covers and foam. Since the car is in such great shape and has not been restored we want to try to keep it as original as possible, so it is important to keep the same seat cover pattern and color to match, Currently we are looking at Ecklers and can purchase the covers mounted to the foam at what seems to be a reasonable price, sans shipping. This leaves us with a couple of questions: Can anyone give us some feedback on your experiences with seat covers and foam from Ecklers. While reasonable, it is a lot of cash to put out without having seen them firsthand. If you wouldn't recommend them, who would you recommend? And, does anyone have experience with what is involved in removing the current covers and foam and installing the mounted ones? New owners, and many new experiences to come, your guidance is appreciated.

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