ouch !
Back in "the day".....I actually managed to do TWO of those extremely painful and embarrassing stunts...both parking a Vette under something else.
One incident involved me acting like an ass and doing donuts in our parking lot at work....
we had this old, old angry old man that was the general manager. The guy hated us all because we were under 60 :L and because we were jerks. His hatred was fully justified. One of several nick-names that we had for the man was
"The wrinkle warrior " .
Anyway, I'm wheel'n that car around like a pro, wasting gatorbacks like I have a store full of spares...when my boot gets stuck on the gas pressing it to the floor with the left edge of my boot hung under the right edge of the brake pedal.....
it only took 2 seconds for me to loose focus and loose control and by the time I had reached for the key I had stopped steering and had driven my car under the passenger side of the 'ol mans new pick-up...broadside. Got the wheels off the ground...
After several minutes of comments and laughter from friends....someone says..."so uh...what are you plannin on tellin Earl"? That was about the time everybody figured it was a good time to be anywhere else...
That was a long walk into his office.....we used to call the guy "the California Raisen" " to his face ! The 'ol bastard really did'nt have time for our BS....as we really did'nt deserve his time either. (we were fairly evil and arogant back then)
I'll Never forget him getting up and walking out there, walking around his truck , looking at me, never saying a word and going back inside. :ugh
From what I heard later, he went to the owners and told them that I was trying to kill him and I just did'nt realize that he was not in his pick-up.... :eyerole
My DE-motion came the following day.......directly from the owner of the company. (but it was kinda worth it, never seen anything so friggin funny)
Other incident was yrs later. Driving away from the shop in my newly painted Vette that previous weekend, I see a friend coming toward me waving out the window...so I look that way and wave too....and drive up under this "landscape engineers" pick-up truck WITH an extended ball hitch....Nose of the Vette was a perfect fit to roll under the bumper of that truck...
Ripped a gouge in my hood almost all the way up to the windshield and the various other scars up the hood that went along with a vehicle sliding OFF it.... Easy fix...I just backed out and the p/u slid right off...taking some Corvette chunks with it. No damage at all to the p/u. I recall standing there looking at the hood and thinking to myself..."that pint can of blue paint we saved just ain't gonna be enough.....dammit".....:eyerole
That stung...
The ONLY humor in that deal was the clown that I "up-ended" gets out of his P/U
rubbing his neck. My first words to him were something like..."better start getting over it pretty quick, I don;t have any insurance that'll pay you for that because I just bought this car and have'nt bought any yet...."
He looks up at me and says "seriously"? yep...He looks at the blue paint I left on his ball hitch and says "oh well, figured I'd try" and gets in, drives away.