2 days ago I started having alot of weird issues. I hit a bump in the road and the security light came on and stayed on. When i got to a parking area I determined my trunk opening button would not release the trunk. The next morning while driving to work, security light still on got to work and the radio and interior lights would not turn off once I opened the door. I was able to finally get them off and then the security ding stayed on. On the evening drive home the DIC kept telling me the door was ajar while it was not. Again unable to get the security dinging to stop after parking for the evening which was still dinging this morning when I went to the car. Now the car turns over but once in gear and trying to pull out of parking spot the engine just shuts down. DIC message said: Pull Key and wait 10secs. This option did nothing.... I can't get the car to move more than a few inches before the engine shuts down. Anyone ever have this happen?