I've found that the radiator can easily be partially blocked with leaves, paper, debris and other fine things due to the location of the inlet.
The other day I had stopped to get my mail at the end of the block and left the car running with the A/C on. I happened to notice a small whirlwind under the nose of the car from the electric fans, that was pulling up junk from the street.
I crawled under the car later that week and found that the upper 1/5 of the radiator was full of grass clippings, leaves, etc. I used compressed air to blow as much of it out as I could and then fabbed up a metal screen with some 1/4" wire mesh I had left from another project.
Now, some of the smaller stuff still makes it up there, but most of the junk stays on the screen, then drops off when the low pressure drops away.
Check the rad if you have a warm running C5, seems to be the moral of the story.
Ken Edney
Chandler, AZ